[SGA] (untitled Weir/Sumner ficlet)

Apr 17, 2007 00:59

This may someday be part of something larger, but it's not much other than IM spam at this point. I...meant to write a lot of other stuff tonight but instead I wrote this to raisintorte on IM when I was supposed to be doing my taxes. I blame shetiger for drabbling for me and putting me in the mood for something like this.

To follow All That I Can't Leave Behind. Someday all the snippets will be a real, live fic. Welcome to Weir/Sumner, my pairing of a thousand AUs.

Hide & Seek:

"Dead man walking," Rodney said, waving one hand and looking uncomfortable. Sheppard just rolled his eyes so Elizabeth continued with the briefing, but she saw Sumner narrow his eyes.

"Doctor Weir," he drawled when the conference room began to empty out. "A word?"

Elizabeth schooled her face into her best neutral expression and said, "Of course, Colonel. What can I do for you?"

For a moment, she saw a flash of something in his eyes and then he leaned on the table and said, "Why does McKay think he's at death's door? Not that it's breaking my heart any, but that's a little doom and gloom, even for him. And for God's sake, what is that thing he has stuck to his shirt?"

Elizabeth cleared her throat and smiled a little to let Sumner know that she wasn't terribly concerned by Rodney's antics. "It's a personal shield," she explained. "He found it in one of the labs and was able to activate it now that he has the gene therapy. He and Sheppard were testing it out earlier. Seems pretty handy."

Sumner stared at her. "Handy," he repeated.

Elizabeth shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, it will be, once he figures out how to take it off. Right now he can't eat or drink and you know how Rodney gets without food."

"He can't take it off?" Sumner repeated and Elizabeth wondered if he was going to repeat everything she said.

"He hasn't been able to," Elizabeth confided. "But since some of the Ancient tech seems to have a mental component, I'm sure he'll be fine as soon as he's desperate enough. I don't think the Ancients would make a personal shield that could kill someone." She shut her mouth, aware that she was talking too much.

Sumner didn't take her eyes off her as he reached up and tapped his radio. "Sheppard," he said brusquely. "Get your ass back in here."

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow.

"Looks like we're going to have to set up some protocols before we find out just what the Ancients have thought up that will kill us," he grumbled.

Elizabeth frowned at him. If anyone was making unilateral decisions around here, it was her. But Sumner was in charge of the safety of the expedition and if he thought they needed protocols, well. "I'll call Rodney," she said, lifting her own hand.

"Call the next guy in line," Sumner said, straightening up in his chair.

"The next guy?" Elizabeth asked. "Doctor Zelenka?"

Sumner didn't quite smile but his expression made Elizabeth want to. "Nothing's gonna get McKay to want that thing gone more than the thought he's being replaced," he said.

"That's not very nice," Elizabeth scolded, but she called Doctor Zelenka anyway.

"Ain't my job to be nice," Sumner said and this time he did smirk a little.

Elizabeth dared to smile back, but the doors snapped open and Sheppard came through. "Sir?" he said.

"We need to have a little talk about task prioritization," Sumner said, "but right now I want to know just why McKay thought it would be a good idea to turn on something he didn't know how to turn off."

Sheppard held up both hands, palms out. "Why does McKay ever think something's a good idea?" he asked. "Maybe he thought he'd get a Nobel prize out of it."

"He won't if he's dead," Sumner deadpanned. "So what can this thing do?"

Sheppard's face lit up. "I shot him. Bullet bounced right off. We tried close in contact and the shield deflects both knives and fists, and I even pushed him off a balcony. And he was fine."

"Uh-huh," Sumner said. "And I suppose you thought it was a good plan to do this all in front of God and everyone?"

Sheppard fidgeted. "Isn't wasn't like there were a lot of people in the gateroom," he mumbled.

"We'll talk about it later," Sumner said. "In the meantime, if I catch any of those kids out there trying to fly or something, that's all on you."

"Yes, sir," Sheppard said, taking his seat.

Then Dr. Zelenka poked his head in and said, "Hello, you were looking for me?"

"Come on in," Elizabeth invited with a sigh. "Let's get this show on the road."

sga, wip, weir/sumner, fic

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