Stupidly Happy

Mar 15, 2007 21:48

First off, Music & Lyrics is the most adorable movie and I want to see it all over again and buy the soundtrack and play "Pop Goes My Heart" on YouTube and dance around my living room. (Also, anyone unfamiliar with VH-1's Pop-Up Video - which I was talking about a few months back - that's what they're doing to the video at the end.)

Supernatural managed to win at storytelling this week. As soon as the car disappeared, I knew there was something backward going on, but I didn't put it together either. There's two movies I've seen that used the same plot twist at the end and I didn't catch it in either one of them, so apparently that's just a blind spot in my plotting vision. (I left out both titles in case no one has seen them. There's just no way not to spoil them...or SPN.)

I did figure they had something awesome going on with Tricia Helfer, because she's kind of a big deal (in geek circles at least) and the commercials kind of made a fuss over her. (And it wasn't like she was sexing it up like your friendly neighborhood succubus which also would have been notable.) I thought maybe it was just that they were using her to ask the questions that never get asked from their POV. (Where do ghosts go after they get torched, etc.)

Also, I love going back and seeing all the hints. A really, really good mystery tells you everything you need to know to solve it, and still surprises you at the end.

"But you are going to freak him right out. For life." Nice, Dean. Very nice.

OMG, WEREWOLVES. It's a testament to the series that I'm actually excited about this after making it through the first six Anita Blake books.

glee, supernatural

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