I took a break. Now I'm back.
Other things of interest:
Oscars: The only nominated movie I saw was
Cars. And it ROCKED.
Birds of Prey:
greenygal loaned me her issues of BoP from where I left off (#92) to #100. I actually got around to reading the arc where Shiva and Dinah traded places. Shiva as socially incompetent will never stop being funny, but as emotionally exploratory as the arc was for Dinah, it didn't do much for Shiva, who could have been infinitely more interesting. I've always found it kind of interesting that Simone chooses to narrate her stories from Dinah's "journal" almost exclusively - it seems to me that Babs is much more introspective and likely to meditate on her place in the world or whatever. Also, the one-issue gap between Bab saying she had no operative named Canary (#92) and the subsequent explanation that she refused to consider Shiva her operative (in #93) came too far apart to escape cognitive dissonance. Sorry.
Gracie: My laptop cuts power almost every time I move her from my lap to the coffee table. WTF, Gracie?
I have a question. When you go to make a vid, do you seriously say...sit down and watch seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 in their entirety and make notes on what you need to clip out? Or do you just have really good memories? Because holy crap the former is a lot of work. (Not that looking at Cam Mitchell's face is a tragic waste of my time or anything.) Also, does Windows Movie Maker kind of suck? Or is it just that I don't know how to work it right?
Seriously, has anyone else written Sumner/Weir? I somehow managed to pile up about 7 story ideas over the last week or so and I'm a little ashamed. Also, where is all the O.C. fic where Ryan didn't call Sandy in the first episode and winds up selling himself on the streets? Shut up, I know they have to be out there. I re-watched the first four episodes the other night and wow do the Cohen's spend a lot of time kicking Ryan out of their house.
Misc: I have to go for blood tests tomorrow and because of class, my appointment isn't until 12:30. This sucks because I'm not supposed to eat anything after midnight. (Or else I turn into a Gremlin.) There is nothing like not being allowed to eat after midnight that makes you hungry at 1:30 in the morning. Also, I have to leave myself notes everywhere or risk forgetting that I'm not allowed to eat when I wake up.