Does anyone else see the surreal in here?

Jun 18, 2006 20:50

In the interest of normalcy, fandom meme swiped from marag. #2 appears to have a different...form...than some of the other postings of this one that I've seen. ;) Edit: Dude, hello, because I need to be more behind on my comment replies. Oops. Oh, well.

Ask Me My Fandom Opinion

How this works:
1. Ask me one fandom-related question in the comments. This can be fandom specific, general, or about fandom/lj stuff/fic writing/etc. in general. Ask anything...I'm really not bothered.

2. ONE DAMN QUESTION.-- Nah, you can ask more than one, but I might or might not answer it.

3. That's it. It can be as normal or odd as you like.

In other news, I have survived con.txt and sent reccea back home on a plane. I'm a little flashfried and my couch is really rocking my socks right now so further updates will have to wait for coherency. But I got to see reccea, greenygal, kimannebb, libitina, and kitchendinah again, and meet hederahelix, cereta (whom I hugged very carefully), arallara, trixiesfic, and wordplay in person. There were likely others whose names I'm completely spacing on right now and I know there were people I meant to track down and never did.

Also, reccea has somehow talked me into two more SGA stories and a DVD commentary and seriously, that's just taking advantage of my lack of sleep.

con.txt, fandom

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