Con.txt, Etc.

Jun 14, 2006 20:20

Organizing some thoughts before reccea arrives tomorrow.

1) Many, many thanks to the person or persons who nominated The Best Things in Life are Free for the Stargate Fan Awards. Unfortunately, the policy on WIPs is a pretty clear, "No," so for that fic, I will have to decline. I'm pretty sure it's not getting done before the voting commences. *grin*

2) reccea and I will be traveling to Con.txt Friday morning. I've been scanning the list of panels and the ones I'm interested in attending are, "DADT and You", "Writing Long Stories", "Let's Talk About John Sheppard", "The Perils nad Promises of Comics Fandom", "Canon, Fanon, and Suspension of Disbelief", and "Complicated and Conflicting Canon." Which is not to say I'll get to all of them or that I won't be at others, but that's the plan so far.

3) miss_porcupine is collecting links for meta, fic, recs, art, etc. for the Devoid of Con.txt party going on this weekend while some of us are hiding out in Maryland. Link your efforts to her post here.

4) Even though I'm defecting to Maryland too, I thought I'd participate in Devoid of Con.txt. I have a non-fandom-specific meta in mind but I haven't burbled about SGA in too long, so if anyone has suggestions of what I can get wound up about, please feel free to share!

5) Speaking of meta, and not particularly appropriate for the weekend project, last night I was throwing around some thoughts about Will Sheppard, John's father in The Best Things in Life are Free. The thread is here.

devoid of con.txt, con.txt, tbtilaf

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