reccea is
totally selling me out. :)
I...went to Staples, the grocery store, and Taco Bell tonight. The only place with service even approaching acceptable was Taco Bell. Which was good, because at that point, I couldn't handle any more bullshit.
I have two questions, not related even a little bit.
I use iTunes to organize my music, but my "My Music" folder is kind of in disarray and I'd like to reorder it and get rid of doubles, etc., but it's going to involve some things with folder that's going to completely screw up all my playlists. Does anyone know how to update or import an entire folder into the library without causing doubles? Every time I acquire a song from a source other than iTunes, I have to go into My Music and do a right-click Folder -> Open with...iTunes to get it into the library. It's unnecessarily inefficient. I'm all about efficiency.
I've gotten this "grown-up" thing down pretty well for breakfast and lunch, but I always fall down on dinner. I'm tired, I'm usually grumpy, and I suck at cooking. Not for lack of ability, but for lack of interest. I tend to wander off and check my email or watch tv and not keep a close eye on whatever I'm trying to assemble. I have a few recipes that tend to last me days, but I need ideas for dinnertime food that I can make on the fly, preferably with very few ingredients, easy to assemble, and fast. Also, I hate chopping things. Even suggestions like, "two packets of oatmeal" work for me. (I ate that for dinner a lot in college. And now I have very low cholesterol.)
Thanks, Friendslist!
PS: I have no idea where I got this song, but if you gave it to me, OMG, I love you.