Thank you mysterious stranger who gifted me last night! LJ might be toting this "virtual gift" thing as the "corniest feature ever" but the idea that someone thought of me goes a long way.
I used to tell people that my Valentine's tradition was to cut school/work and hang out in my pajamas to watch cartoons. (Because if no one else is going to spoil you, you should absolutely spoil yourself.) But then I realized that I've really only done that twice in the last seven years because of actually having to be at school or work or the holiday falling on a weekend or something. So, okay, it's not much of a tradition. And I'm at work today because WOW did someone dump a metric assload (which is measured as what I can actually handle, squared) of work on me yesterday and everything (and I mean everything) seems to have a due date of tomorrow.
Anyway, I have chocolate so it'll all be okay.
I don't know what it is about SGA that turns all my story ideas into monster projects, but I came up with another idea this morning on the way into work that would just take me forever and I'm absolutely not even thinking about until I knock out some of the other WIPs. Who was it who said that all the main characters are genre villains?
permetaform, was that you? We may need to talk. After, of course, my sanity returns.