miss_porcupine spoke the other day of the success of
sga_newsletter and
sga_noticeboard in centralizing and disseminating information about newly posted fic, meta, art, icons, or other resources and proposed that comics fandom might benefit from something similar.
minisinoo picked up that ball and set up a poll to gauge interest.
Go See Poll Here Personally, I think that as fragmented as comics fandom is, a good share-for-all is a good thing. Batman stuff is fairly easy to find, sure, and there's a Legion community or two, but where do you find readers if you write the occasional JSA slash fic, but also Batman and maybe every once in a while Wonder Woman or Green Arrow? (Yeah, I was talking about myself right up until that last one.) It's not just topic, either, there's a lot of cliquishness regarding when one came into the fandom and what fandom(s) they came from and whether even LJ was the primary mode of entry.
I was going to make the Winnebago comparison, short version, but I'm out of time.
So go vote.