I had
reccea here from Wednesday night to yesterday and it was fabulous. Weekend report to be posted later.
However! The ideas are still flowing, even restricted as we are to IM.
reccea: "Practice makes perfect, McKay," John told him, dropping his backpack next to the wall and settling his hands on his hips, ready to critique Rodney's technique.*Don't* use
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reccea: :-D
smittywing: *beams*
smittywing: it's the brothel story
You tease me with your brothels! I am teased. There should be more brothels in the world. In the Pegasus Galaxy. Men should be brothelized. There should be broth.
Zombies ate my brains.
Hee! Now I want to see a fic where Aliens Make Them Cook Soup. *g*
Dude, you totally don't want me to write a brothel story. I'm telling you. Because John would try to liberate them all and Rodney would be all, "Cool, male prostitutes."
This is meant to convince me that I *don't* want you to write it?! *shakes head* You'll have to try harder. Meanwhile, I'll use my secret weapon. The icon of Devastating Puppy Eyes.
The alternative to John liberating the bunch of them is here. I'm so ashamed.
OMG, the puppy eyes!
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