It's hard to keep summer exciting now that all it means is more work. When I was a little kid, I joined the local library's summer reading club every year. You got cute stamps for every 5 books you read and if you read 50, you got invited to a party. I bet most libraries do something like this actually. :P Unfortunately! There's nothing for grownups!! Do they really think we don't want stickers and an ice cream party just because we're over 12?
Okay, I lied, I think there is one for grownups but I still don't think they'll have dinosaur stamps and ice cream. So I say, screw the library and its lack of dinosaurs and ice cream! I'm starting my own damn reading club.
Are you planning on reading this summer? Then why don't you join my alternative reading club! Let me know what books you're reading and there'll be stamps and dinosaurs and if I can figure out how, ice cream. Or maybe just cookies....
Books I'm planning on reading:
Plus hopefully a lot more!! Are you excited? I'm excited :)