Mar 15, 2010 19:41
Finally! I finished my midterms and it's Spring Break! Woo!
.... is what I'd like to say. But I'm going to have to spend Spring Break doing homework and not going to New York City. I'd say I hate my life but I'm trying not to be melodramatic about this. :P
(I'm totally feeling melodramatic though ... Let's all throw a pity party for me. We can have cupcakes with sad faces on them ... le sigh... )
I've definitely been neglecting this poor fellow while I've been busy with school and more school. I'm going to try to make up for it this week with uber-posting but we'll see how that goes ... I'm running out of things to post about :D How do real blogs manage it every day? I'd say they must have more of a life than I do ... but then how would they find all that time to sit around blogging about it? A mystery of the ages to be sure :P
So!! On with BLOG WEEK.