Dec 30, 2009 22:17
So "TV on the radio" has a song for the Canadian National Olympic team. I like that.
New Years is tomorrow, do yourself a favour and make sure you have a great time. You can't go into a new decade with disappointment.
Great combination - Alexander Keith's White with an orange, Heineken, Glass of Sauvignon Blanc, Bailey's with coffee, back to the wine.
Mahi Mahi fish, still a solid meal directly into winter. Even if you don't generally like fish give it a shot.
Boxing Day was a success, it's still funny to see new people that start at the shop with their deer in headlights look when they see 8 million people come into the store at once.
Won my Fantasy Football Pool, a cool $600. Nice for Italy.
Extract (the new movie by Mike Judge, Office Space, Idiocracy.)
Do yourself a favour if you don't already own a great sound system, purchase one. Nothing sounds better then Jimi Hendrix "Machine Gun" then on a wicked sound system such as Bose, HK, or JBL.
They were discussing the futility of all the Toronto professional sports teams over the past decade today, it's pathetic.
Am I the only person in the world that hates Fight Club?
Having a cell phone is good for the soul. It's so much less stressful in every way.
Top 3 soothing vocalists of all time
soothing in my description is allowing myself to either calm down after a stressful day or feel better if I am feeling either sick or hungover.
3 - Jim James - My Morning |Jacket
2- Steve Mason - Beta Band
1 - Neil Young
For those folks that say they like all types of music, just say next time that you don't pay attention to music for everyone's sake. It just saves time.