So there are a couple of mighty fine weekends coming up. Unfortunately my car is turning more and more into a Flinstone car. There is more wrong with then right and I might have to use my Goulet moustache to fly Sara and I to Polaris next weekend.
Saw "1408" last night, John Cusack does a very good job in the movie. The storyline is decent, it seemed like I was watching a M. Night S---------- movie, except it was good. Sixth Sense and Unbreakable don't take offense.
My townhouse sucks, no A/C, it's almost to that point in summer where you can say. "Is it worth it to get the AC this year or should I wait till next."
Bought Mario Party 8 for the wii. It's alright, I wouldn't put it in the best games of all time, but if you are looking for something that doesn't require brain activity and you get to do things that make you look like your completely insane in front of your window then by all means pick up this game. Best game is the game when you are trying to open a can, by moving your hand up and down as quickly as possible. Hmmmmmmm, it's weird that Bang won this game a couple of weeks ago. And by a hefty margin. Yeah!!!!!!
Interpol's new album is out in a couple of weeks, the single is rockin'
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Nothing really that new to talk about with music other then I am going to see Built to Spill on July 11th. Very excited about the show.