Today was a really bad day. I wrote this chirpy sounding post with nothing but good about the day when all I wanted to gripe about was all the horrid things that happened. And then like some divine act, lightning struck and my post got accidentally DELETED> My super long post with happy sounding inspirational poem by Dr Seuss. All the happy children, all the cats in the hats, all the cartwheeling fooboodling sdhgoidsbn. DELETED.
Something really horrid horrid horrid happened today that I cannot stop thinking about. I felt a kind of strange acidic substance started to bubble and churn inside the pit of my stomach and I felt the banana I ate earlier inch its way up back to my throat again. I felt that sick feeling where you turn your paper the right way up and realise that you got a 16 and not the 91 you mistakenly thought. I wish I could forget it, but no matter how hard you try, sometimes I think the only way to get rid of a memory is to wait and wait and wait and wait until it's shelved so far back your brain just becomes LAZY to fetch it from archives. Or perhaps jam up the archive file cabinet with some other icky memory and hopefully it'll keep the drawer closed.
I really can't help feeling sad!!! I'm so sorry, I really really cannot help it, no matter how much you want me to forget things or not be disappointed, I feel really betrayed and hurt. Okay, so that's how I really felt today. The inspirational poem that I posted up in my deleted entry is NOT APPLICABLE ANYMORE. Today is sauerkrat and pickled onions. Tomorrow is different however. TOmorrow is mango ice cream and chocolate truffle. For tomorrow bears the promise of a New Day and a 3 pm finish to boot.
This is my picture of the day. It represents my tomorrow, filled with sugar, cream and colours of the rainbow that will fall from the sky like manna from heaven. I will open my mouth and taste and gain nary a single pound. Lemon, rose, praline, white chocolate, lime, raspberry, chestnut cream. I will stand there and dance on my mountain of dessert with a blissful smile on my face, twirling ribbons of strawberry licorice in my hand and making snow angels in the knee deep macaroon-fall. Yeah, it's a scary picture... haha. Okay anyway I kind of miss these babies. Canele's or Laduree's may make all the colours of the rainbow, ensconced in ribboned bejewelled paper bags... but I still swear by BAKERZIN ones...reasonably priced, scrummy, not too sweet like other brands. Okay, more about Macaroons another day. I'm really sleepy and crabby.