Videogame Brawl! [Drabble]

Apr 01, 2010 20:58

I have no idea where I come up with these things :] Let's just say I like Mario games <3 Plus, my parents just uncovered my long-lost Playstation 2 in the basement. I didn't want to give Yoshi away, since Yoshi is mine awesome, but... Yesung had to have someone, right? ;D

It's a childish game, some may think, but it's strangely addicting. Intoxicating.

Mario. Luigi. Yoshi. Peach. Daisy. Toad. Wario. Waluigi. DK. Bowser. Baby Mario.

It is: Mario Kart. (Oh, the suspense!)

It might seem impossible, but 10 of the 15 members are planning to race each other to the death down winding rainbow roads, gopher-infested farm-grounds, and deserts -- all in the same room. Let me introduce these fellow Super Junior members who will be involved in the showdown for the above mentioned Mario characters: Leeteuk. Yesung. Siwon. Henry. Ryeowook. Kyuhyun. Zhou Mi. Shindong. Donghae. Eunhyuk.

Imagine your computer screen filled up with silvers of their faces and multi-colored backgrounds, like in those epic fighting scenes in movies. Imagine the suspenseful music.

Leeteuk makes his move first. "Dibs on Mario!" There were several groans that rose from the crowd. Yesung stuck out his tongue, fiddling with the controller in his own hands.

"Who wants to be some old guy with facial hair anyway? Yoshi! He looks like Ddangkoma."

Siwon gazed at the remaining characters on the TV screen. "Bow--"

"Bowser's mine," Shindong mumbled bluntly, swiftly choosing the character with a click of a button.

"Fine. Donkey Kong it is." He pressed a button and the DK icon darkened, signaling that it was taken.

Luigi. Peach. Daisy. Toad. Wario. Waluigi. Baby Mario.

Seven remaining Mario characters, six remaining SuJu members.

Ryeowook nudged Henry. "You should be Baby Mario."

"Only if you choose Toad."

"Deal." They chose the characters, flicking joysticks and pressing buttons in sync.

Donghae observed the others yet to be chosen. "Wario looks mischievous. And funny-looking. So I'll choose him."

Eunhyuk nodded indecisively. "Waluigi is Wario's best friend, right?" He proceeded to locate Waluigi.

Luigi. Peach. Daisy.

Kyuhyun. Zhou Mi.

"This is easy. I'll choose Lu--" Kyuhyun began, finger poised over joystick.

Zhou Mi grabbed it from him. "Kui Xian! I wanted to be Lu--"

"Well too bad, I'm going to--"

"No, I am!"

Shindong shook his head, regarding the two like bickering little kids. "A gamer like you should know to choose first, Kyuhyun."

"I was only being a good maknae."

"Well, one of you is going to have to be Peach or Daisy."

"And that's going to be Zhou Mi."

"Kui Xian! I'm going to be Luigi."

Kyuhyun glared at the older through narrowed eyes, and in a dramatic voice cried, "I challenge you to an arm-wrestling match for Luigi!"

"You're on."

Zhou Mi slammed the other's hand down in 4 seconds. "That's not fair! I wasn't ready!"

"You're not physically capable of beating me at an arm-wrestling match," Zhou Mi explained with a grin. "I mean, just look at your pathetic muscles!" He poked Kyuhyun's arm.

Halfheartedly controlling Daisy's car, Kyuhyun muttered something inaudible under his breath. Note to self: Practice arm-wrestling with Henry.

member: kyuhyun, pairing: henwook, member: yesung, pairing: qmi/kyumi, member: leeteuk, member: shindong, member: siwon, one-shot: videogame brawl!, member: henry, member: eunhyuk, drabble, member: zhou mi, member: ryeowook, member: donghae, pairing: eunhae

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