A Quick Post #41: "I'm French! Why do you think I have this OUTRAAAGEOUS accent, you silly king?!"

Jul 02, 2012 02:46

Here's a promised pic of my 29G's new residents: Jean Pierre the angel, and Jacques and Jacque (like "Jackie") the pink kissing gourami. I've redone the tank to have a "France" theme. I feel it suits the kissing fish well. <3 I'm trying to keep live plants again, so I put in some amazon swords. And yes, Jacques is named after Jacques Portsman. I just feel it's very appropriate: pink kissers are showy but in actuality big cowards (at least mine have been), and well, they're pink!

I'll try to post more here later. LJ is being a douchenozzle again and the server keeps resetting when I try to upload pics. >:(

Unfortunately yes, my poor fancy calico ryukin goldfish Lulu has gone to Fishy Heaven to be with Emmet, Ingo, and Once-ler. I'm going to miss her. Farewell, little fatty girl. I love you~

death, quick post, photos, pets

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