~Rest in Peace, Nimbus and Firecracker~

Aug 28, 2011 16:57

Today I had my second betta loss. :( I lost my dark red male, Firecracker. He's been sick for a while with fin rot (honestly I expected him to go before any of my other bettas), but he hung in there longer than I thought he would (thanks in part to Maracyn II). He was my third betta, officially. Rest in peace, my little Firecracker. May you and Nimbus be enjoying your own private filtered aquariums somewhere in the Great Beyond with all the bloodworms you can eat. I love you.

Some may call me silly for mourning "over a fish," but fish are pets too just like a dog or a cat. They have their own personalities, you get to see them grow if you have them long enough, and they make you smile when you see them happy. Owning a few fish will teach you that quickly. They may not be the kind of pets you can pet, but neither are most lizards or birds and plenty of people love those. (I would know, I've got quite a nippy leopard gecko named Estella, and I still love her to pieces.)

Here's some pictures of Nimbus, Firecracker and my new crowntail. (On that note, LJ, quit dragging your feet and please fix your stupid LJ cutting problems with the Rich Text Format editor. It's getting incredibly annoying.)

Nimbus loved to play peek-a-boo.

Firecracker used to room with my second female, Starlight.

He was always flaring at Star. He adored her.

Cheese. <3

I miss them both. But in spite of their loss I do have my new handsome crowntail, who I decided to name Jecht after this badass. He's from Final Fantasy X (very poorly written game IMO, didn't like any of the protagonists or main cast save Auron). Taking pictures of him in his bowl was tricky, but he finally stopped swimming and sat in one place for a bit to let me take some shots.

He may never become a blitzball champion, but hey, he likes playing in a sphere of water. <333

I'm going to keep Jecht in his bowl for a while since he seems to like it just fine. He doesn't look like he has any plans to jump out (bettas are notorious for doing that). I isolated my bigger albino cory catfish and moved him to my 10G. He seems to be a bit sick. I lost the smaller albino cory I bought with him the day before I lost Firecracker, so I'm going to clean out my 2.5G they were in and think on what to do next. I'm not going to consider putting Jecht in there until I'm sure nothing's wrong with the water, which there shouldn't be as I cleaned the tank out well after Nimbus died and before I added Firecracker. Blargh, fishkeeping is fun but it can be difficult to solve problems sometimes.

Well, I'm off to finish my fish chores.


death, i'm sad, photos, pets

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