i didnt star my swearing out, the website i took the survey on did it for me.
"randomness" by: cssysue1. What did you do yesterday?umm, i went to school, then went to heritage heights for my community service, then went to mock trial practice, came home, watched raising the bar, and ate ghetto mac and cheese, and went to bed.2. Where were you at yesterday?^^ ^^ ^^3. Was yesterday a good day for you?it was alright4. What time did you fall asleep?2 am. thank you jessica and your **** ing annoying friends.5. What did you eat yesterday?um.. i think chicken fingers, a soft pretzel, pizza, and maccaroni. thats terrible.6. What time is it?149 am, but im referring to "yesterday" as friday, not saturday.7. Where are you at right now?my computer8. What did you do today?went to our trial, got screwed over, went to fridays, cried on the eay home, took a nap, went to work, went online, went to zoes.9. What time did you wake today?61510. Have you had a good day so far?no11. What have you ate today?most of a bagel, delicious pasta, and my leftovers. and a few crackers at zoes.12. What are your plans for tomarrow?wake up, go to rochester for bball game, come home, do stuff.13. Will tomarrow be better than today?i hope so14. Are you looking forward to tomarrow?i guess15. What do you look like?u all know me16. Do you like yourself?pretty much17. Describe your personality.fun, happy, nice, idk, you all know me18. Are you a good person?i try to be19. Are you happy with your life?yep pretty much20. Do you have a significant other?no21. Do you have children?no22. Do you have any friends?not one23. What qualities to you admire in others?umm, idk24. What about others do you dislike?fakeness, lies, drama25. Do you have a big family?no26. Do you get along with your parents?usually27. Do you have siblings?one28. Do you enjoy family gatherings?ehh, if they last for an hour at most, yes. if more than 1 hour, no.29. Does your family have a close relationship?my extended family, yeah, my immediate family, not really.30. Where do you live?u know where i live.31. Describe your home?describe your home isnt a question. and youve probably been here a time or 232. What is your neighborhood like?its not, its a street33. Do you like where you live?its fine34. Who lives with you?my dad and sister35. Do you have a car?yes36. Do you drive a lot?yes37. Have you ever rode in a taxi?yes38. What is your favorite way to travel?um, depends where im going.39. Do you ever take the bus?no, but i have40. Do you have a job?yes, limited too represent41. What is your ideal career?i have no clue42. Are you a leader or a follower?leader43. Do you work well with others?if they are wanting to work. if they are bieng lazy then no, im probabaly rude to them44. Is money important to you?not super important45. What do you do for fun?hang out with my friends, read, watch tv46. Do you have many hobbies?um, scrapbooking is pretty much it. and i like to take pictures of things47. Indoors or outdoors?depends on what activity im doing48. Double dates or parties?parties i guess49. Fast food or dine in?dine in50. What is your favorite food?umm, probably tacos.51. Do you eat out a lot?not really52. Do you know how to cook?some things53. Do you eat at the table?not usually54. How many meals do you eat daily?2 or 355. Are you in school?yes56. Do you like school?no57. What are your favorite subjects?um, i guess... well i guess english.58. Do you make good grades?yea59. Have you ever been expelled?no60. What were you like as a child?um, probably a suck up, and im pretty sure i was bossy, cause i still kinda am.61. Were you a rebelious teen?i am sooooo rebellious. ha no not really. i have nothing to rebel against.62. Has your heart ever been broken?no63. Have you ever lost someone you loved?yes64. Do you have more good memories or bad?equal i guess65. Are you in love?no66. Who is your best friend?i have many67. Do you have any enemies?not any more, were bffs now.68. Rate your life at the moment. 1-10. 1=worst 10=best769. Are you happy with where you are in life at the moment?for the most part70. Do you worry about the future?yes everyday71. What do you hope for the future?that ill figure out what to do with my life72. What do you look forward to in the future?traveling73. Where do you think you will be in 5 years?grad school74. Do you think your future will be better than your past?idk75. Have you ever wanted to say something to someone but haven't?allll the time, who hasnt. like today i wanted to say, **** you Gentile. **** you and your **** ing purple bow tie you pretentious bastard.76. Do you regret anything you've done in the past?i try not to regret anything77. Do most people enjoy your company?i hope so78. Has anyone ever hated you?probably, but thats sad.79. Are you for the death penalty?no80. Do you think about politics?sometimes81. Do you believe in God?um, not really. i dont know what i believe82. Are you afraid of death?kind of.83. Do you lie?yes84. Have you ever seen a spirit or an angel?no85. Do you have any hero's?no86. Do you listen or talk more?probably equal of both87. Are you easily angered?it depends on the situation88. What are you passsionate about?i dont know, im not really one of those people with a driving passion for something89. What makes you most happy?my friends90. What stresses you out?school, college91. Are there any people you just can't get along with?yeah probabaly.92. Have you ever been to jail?i went to the holding center on a fieldtrip93. Do you like to watch tv?yes94. What kind of music do you like?mostly anything, except i really cant stand like, bluegrass and heavy metal95. What is most important to you?my friends, my family, succeeding96. Would you ever die for someone?idk97. If you won the lottery what would you buy first?umm, college98. Which is worst, to be blind or deaf?i havent experienced either so idk99. Do you have sympathy for the homeless?yeah100. Are you judgemental of others?i try not to be101. Do you think highly of yourself?i think i am a good person, but im not like snooty and pretentious and like rude and flaunting it
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