Feb 17, 2016 22:59
OK, I know I am whining but after a visit from the polar vortex and then you get a taste of warmth of 40-50F, you get your hopes up. You know, spring is around the corner. And then instead the weather forecasters douse that with talk about another snow fall next week. bah.
But this is our story until April. sigh. Get comfortable I guess. So, I bought this colourful jacket to cheer myself up which was going on "clearance" for 30%. It's like I am forever wrapped in a comforter. I love it. It's not grey, black or any dull colour - a nice dark maroon. sigh. why are Americans so colour averse?! I understand getting a woolen coat in anything other than black is expensive. but this is polyester and acrylic. We have come a long way in dyes! sigh. And then N douses that excitement by pointing out that this week the jacket is at 50% discount.
So, am going to whine the rest of winter. bleah. At least the sun was out today.