The other day I was wondering why the 3-6 month dress was getting tight. I thought maybe it shrank in the washer. But that couldn't be because it went through the washer several times by now. I just shrugged it off as D being so fidgety that I couldn't get it on her. Then during the course of the day, it dawned on me, as to why it wouldn't fit.
D is 7 months old now!! whoa...where does time fly to?!
December just flew by too quickly. D is so much more mobile!! She is still creeping about but boy has she picked up speed and she wants to dig into everything and be once. So you can imagine her frustration. She is such a happy baby. The smiles she flashes all the time to everyone is just heartwarming in this cold dreary weather. It makes everything feel alright.
She naps well. Still 3 naps half an hour long. I noticed the second nap, if I nap with her she will nap for an hour. So far I have napped along with her 2 times a week the last two weeks. I just might today again. But often times I end up just watching her sleep.
She is so much more alert and is such a social butterfly. She sits kind of on her own if we put her in a seated position and she can suck her toe while sitting and leaning over too! I swear Yoga was invented watching a baby! She interacts so well with people and although occasionally gets anxious when I leave the room/sight, she adjusts being with others.
This past week I went to my friend's place who has two young kids. It was a surprise visit for them both and we all had such a blast! So, I couldn't pick just one pic to show...
And how can I forget?! The highlight of the last ten days is that she has been saying - amma, emma, ma, amba, anna... hmmm have a feeling I posted this before... I still can't get over that though!! heheheh