Reverb10: Wisdom Wisdom

Dec 10, 2010 12:12

December 10 - Wisdom Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out? (Author: Susannah Conway)

Go with the flow. There are many books out there, new moms & dads, concerned strangers who will give all sorts of advice starting sleep training (mostly letting them cry-out), babies ought to learn self-soothing, starting solids at 4 months, putting babies on schedule...the list is endless. All advice is given with good intention, to help. But the best advice that I got and took was dad's - go with the flow. He casually shared how babies will change everyday, affecting their schedules. Go with the flow.

And I have done just that. And it's given me some peace of mind. And for a change I listened to dad! :)

parenting, advice, #reverb10

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