Title: Five Hundred Miles
dragonessasmithFandom: CSI: New York
Claim: Adam Ross
Prompt: The Proclaimers - Five Hundred Miles
Word Count: 289
Rating: T
Warnings: Schmoop
Disclaimer: Not mine, but I wish he was.
Author's Notes: Random fic for my lovely little geeky OTP, Adam/Jacqui. ^^ Also randomly for
amazonqueenkate, because.
Link to table:
here But I would walk five hundred miles
And I would walk five hundred more
Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles
To fall down at your door
"Yeah," Jacqui agreed, staring at the dark windows of DiCiccio's restaurant. "That kinda blows."
"Tell me about it," He muttered. "Um, well, we could-"
"Adam. I don't mean to be a buzz kill, but I just spent six hours dealing with airport security and flying here, and it wasn't because I really, really wanted overpriced ravioli." She stepped in front of him, obstructing his view of the restaurant window. "I really, really wanted to see you."
Adam smiled slightly. "I know, Jac, I just…I had a point. Really."
"Really?" She smiled back. "My point is that I haven't eaten since breakfast, and I'm starving, but even if we ate at McDonald's, I could care less, as long as I'm with you."
He shook his head again. "No, no, we can't go to McDonald's. I…I'll explain later, alright?"
Jacqui stared at him. There were a lot of words she could come up with to talk about Adam, but stubborn wasn't the first or even the tenth to come up. Neither was deliberately vague, but…
"What the Hell," She sighed. "What about that other place we went to, that one time?"
"Specifics, Jacqui."
"The place with the really good bread and the funny straws."
"Oh!" He snapped his fingers. "LoCoCo. Perfect."
"Isn't it like, way the Hell over there-" She gestured in the very, very general direction of Staten Island. "-and aren't we right here?" She pointed down at the chunk of Upper Manhattan sidewalk they were currently occupying.
"Well, yeah, but-"
"Honestly, Adam," She sighed, closing her eyes. "Is this all really that important?"
"Yes," He muttered, pulling his jacket tighter around him, the small box in his pocket bumping against his leg comfortingly. "Yes, you are."