Title: Secrecy
dragonessasmithClaim: Adam/Jacqui
Theme: 5. Change Of Scene
Theme Set: #2 - Cliches
Rating: T
Word Count: 838
Disclaimer: I do not own Adam or Jacqui. I just mess with them.
A/N: Still for Kate. ^^ Also, if anyone’s interested:
The Postcard In Question. It was kinda odd, thinking of his life in terms of boxes.
His kitchen was two boxes, the bathroom was one, his bedroom was four, the living room was five with an extra just for games and DVDs.
Thirteen boxes, and it was like he'd never been there.
It was supposed to be part of the appeal of a quintessential New York apartment, he supposed, the ability to suit anyone and everyone with the least amount of effort. For all he knew, next week this could be home to way too many college kids, or an old woman with way too many cats. Lord knows it was why he’d moved in in the first place. He’d walked around, pictured all his stuff everywhere, and signed a lease two weeks later.
And now? Now some other guy was gonna come in, picture his stuff everywhere. His clothes in the closet. His posters on the wall. His food in the fridge-fridge. Shit. Adam cursed, heading back towards the kitchen. He knew he forgot something.
He swung the refrigerator door wide open, taking a step back. It wasn’t too bad. Mustard. Soy sauce. Lettuce, root beer, ketchup, mayonnaise…and baking soda. And what likely amounted to half a large pizza in at least seven different bags. Shit. He really had been busy. Okay. One last thing to clean, and then he’d hit the post office and…he shut his eyes. And then to Chad’s tomorrow for a small going-away party, and the next day…airport. Las Vegas. Jacqui. No more New York. No more Chad, no Jane, no Mac or Stella, no chess in the park on Saturday or-
He mentally shook himself as he dragged a chair in front of the fridge. He could think about all that later; right now, his only intent was clearing off the top of the fridge and then tackling the freezer.
“Jeebus,” He muttered to himself, stepping up on the chair and surveying the thin layer of dust that covered most everything now at eye level. When was the last time he’d even looked up here? There was a half-finished six-pack of Safeway Select soda, a random half-empty bottle of Stoli he must have completely forgotten about, a couple magnets, couldn’t forget the magnets, and…
He smiled as his hand hit paper and he recognized the picture printed on it, memories instantly coming back to him. This was it. It was the very last of the postcards she'd bought for him while she was out here, so he could write her when she was back in Vegas. She had wanted 'real mail dammit.' Well. Too late to use it now.
He stared at the image, a red sunset over the Statue of Liberty, tacky red letters along the bottom proclaiming 'New York!' As if anyone would mistake it for something else. He considered maybe framing it, giving to her as a gift when he got to Vegas. Or just keeping it for himself, a reminder of everything up to this point.
He dropped it on the counter. He’d decide what to do with it later. Right now he needed another trash bag, a sponge, and some water. And possibly a HazMat suit.
Two hours later, the fridge was empty, scrubbed and shining and possibly cleaner than when he’d moved in. He wiped his hands on the last paper towel of the roll, chucking it in the general direction of the garbage bag that had taken over a corner of the kitchen. He opened the only remaining plastic bag on the counter, taking out the ‘newest’ leftover pizza and sticking it in the microwave. He leaned back against the empty fridge, planning out the rest of the day in his head. Lunch and maybe a nap were looking good, then the post office so he could send off some of the boxes, post office always took forever, so afterwards he could get dinner and…
He glanced back at the postcard for what felt like the millionth time since he set it down. It was still sitting on the counter, and he was still as unsure over what to do with it as he’d been when Jacqui bought it. He’d sent all the others, with little drawings or random facts he picked up around the lab, or sometimes a non-sequitur about his day that he hoped she’d have fun trying to decipher. This last one though…
He sighed to himself, staring at Lady Liberty. He was leaving one woman he loved to be with another, only one was real, he reminded himself…not that the city wasn’t real, and not that he didn’t love New York, he just…loved Jacqui more-
He knew, suddenly, what he was going to do with this postcard. He had to. He was going to the post office anyway; he jumped up, heading directly for the box labeled ‘Bedroom-Books-L-R’, digging through until he found the familiar brown jacket; PostSecret stared back at him.
He grabbed the Sharpie off one of the boxes and started to write.