Weekend goodness and Homestead update

May 25, 2009 00:09

Oh, twice in one week.

GREEN GROWS THE GARDEN - not as FAIL as I thought earlier in the week.  Can't tell salad greens from weeds yet, but at least the slugs missed something.  Replanted beans and added others.

HENS - attempt to purchase juvi hens and the $12.00 hens cost almost $100 after they included shipping.  FAIL...but may have found two replacements from FreeCycle. For the WIN!

SHEEP - Rob made a portable fence chunk and successfuly contained sheep in the runway between the garden pen and the yard.  A few more like this and we may be able to get the really desperate sections done.

FOLKLIFE - lovely handing out with Ornerie, Her wunderbar Auntie, hdloa, Kathleen (kidnapped her heh heh he), Naomi, and even met up with my bro/wife/neph and parents.
Stuart didn't feel well and was generally gumpy.  We ended up leaving almost as soon as the grandparents showed up. Made me sad, but Stuart was sooo miserable.

GIGI/CRYSTAL GET FIT - After such a great start, work got nuts and we're back to square one. OK, Kathleen say's we're more like back to square two.  So, second verse, same as the first.  Last Sunday, Nancy gave us a lesson. I did canter departs in the mini-menage and kept spiraling into the center.  Didn't manage to ride ALL week. ugh.  But rode this morning. Another 30 minutes, and a bit more cantering.  But we are managing canter departs! No bucking! yeah!

My WILDCHILD - turns 14 today.  Got him a Capt. Hammer T-shirt, Dr. Horrible Soundtrack, a tree pruning knife (you'd understood if you saw it.), and some more itunes music.   His friends are all on trips this weekend, so he's having a sleep over next weekend with video and snack food all night long.

SPOUSE - 20 days and counting to China.  Franttically trying to get the homestead ready for his absence.  Told him not to worry. We'd manage.

homestead mini-farm preston

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