God, I spend way too long on these things. But I love them.
[Body and Appearance]
1. Describe the character's height and build. Is he heavyset, thin, short, rangy?
Gary is about 5'9". He's very slight, very thin, but he's not scrawny. He's got some muscles! Just how much of that there is depends on where he's being played from. Gary's played from two places - the mid-chapter one Gary is more built; not 'muscled', per se, but he's filled out. Mostly, though, he's played a year after the events of the game, and has spent quite some time in the nuthouse. A poorly-run nuthouse, so he's much thinner - he was a bit malnourished.
2. How old is he?
16 years old - his birthday's on October 31st.
3. Describe his posture. Does he carry himself well or does he slouch?
Gary's posture tends to change, depending on his mood - or, often, his medication. For the most part, out and about, he holds himself fairly upright, consciously. He stands very cockily - chin raised, shoulders back, chest out a little. That's when he's in a good mood, anyway. When he's pissed off, when he's ranting, when he's in some kind of funk, there's a very noticeable way that his shoulders go a bit concave - he hunches over some, head out a little, stands a bit more awkwardly. It's the same when he's sitting as well - he always hunches while he's sitting.
4. How is his health? Is he fit or out of shape? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?
Gary has no physical illnesses or conditions that we know about.
5. How does he move? Is he clumsy, graceful, tense, fluid?
Very tensely. All of Gary's actions are very wide-spread, and very jerky. There's a lot of jumpy arms and very quick movements. He walks briskly, he does everything fast as he can to get it out of the way - yay ADD!
6. How attractive is this character physically? How does he perceive himself in the mirror?
Gary certainly isn't unattractive. He's not the most handsome person ever, certainly, but he's got good bone structure, a strong jaw. It's kind of based on perception how handsome people see him based on his personality - since Gary's is such a loud one, most people probably notice that before his features, and it is a nasty one. It's hard to tell how Gary perceives himself, because he views everything so clinically. He doesn't really pay attention to people's attractiveness too much. He's very passive about how he looks.
7. Describe his complexion. Dark, light, clear, scarred?
Caucasian. Gary's pale, obviously, as he is very white and very English, but he does have a bit of a tan going on. He's outside quite a bit - all over the place - and he actually does tan fairly easily for his complexion. He's also quite scarred, yes. He has a few impressive ones scattered about - a long one up his left shin, a starburst scar on his side, scattered cuts and marks all about. His most noticeable is
the one on his face, a long cut that passes over his right eye.
8. Describe his hair: color, texture, style.
While Cole Mohr's hair is darker than Gary's should be, it's the same basic shape and style. Gary has reddish brown hair that's cut very choppily - it's shaved all around the bottom, the sides, and there's just
hair left on top.
9. What color are his eyes?
Dark, dark brown.
10. Does the character have any other noteworthy features?
...Nope :D
11. What are his chief tension centers?
His jaw - Gary clenches his teeth a lot when he's angry, or clenches his jaw. His back is an obvious one too. As well as his fingers, strangely enough - he threads them, clenches fists, his knuckles go white, etc.
12. What is the character's wardrobe like? Casual, dressy, utilitarian? Bright colors, pastels, neutrals? Is it varied, or does he have six of the same suit?
Boarding school chic! The
Bullworth uniform is pretty straightforward, although people do have their variations on it. Gary generally wears a gray button-up shirt with a turquoise Bullworth vest over it, and black slacks. He always wears a Rolex on his left hand, a brown leather wristband on the other. Gary's style outside school is similar in spirit - polo shirts, t-shirts, slacks, etc. Relaxed, but still with a bit more dressiness than straight-up jeans.
13. Do his clothes fit well? Does he seem comfortable in them?
Gary's very well off - as a consequence, his clothes fit very well, they're very tailored.
14. Does he dress the same on the job as he does in his free time? If not, what are the differences?
UM, again, he's stinkin' rich. So he doesn't have a job, nor has he ever.
15. You knew it was coming: Boxers, briefs or commando?
Boxers-briefs. Combo!
1. What does this character's voice sound like? High-pitched, deep, hoarse?
Gary's voice is pretty deep, as he's almost finished with puberty, and very smooth.
Example! 2. How does he normally speak? Loud, soft, fast, evenly? Does he talk easily, or does he hesitate?
Again, it's very depending on his mood and how his medication's going. While he IS medicated, and when he's in a good mood, he's got a very precise kind of cadence to his voice - it's a slow lilt, it's up and down, it's even-paced and it stays at one volume level. Gary's voice is very calm and non-chalant, reeking of sarcasm. When he's off meds, however, or if he's in a particularly paranoid stage, something similar... he's off the walls. He talks incredibly quickly, and he doesn't stop. He just rants on, one thought colliding into another, he gets very accusatory, etc etc.
No matter what mood he's in, though, Gary's speech is never hesitant, very self-assured, and reeking of sarcasm.
3. Does the character have a distinct accent or dialect? Any individual quirks of pronunciation? Any, like, you know, verbal tics?
There's a bit of a New England accent, but not too heavy of one, surprisingly. The most noticeable part of Gary's speech is his inflection - he emphasizes a lot of very important words while he's talking, stresses different things. He also tends to use a lot of addresses while he's speaking - whether it's the person's name or some sort of nickname. 'Moron', 'idiot', 'nimrod' and relative ones are amongst his favorites.
4. What language/s does he speak, and with how much fluency?
Gary's a fluent English speaker, but that's... about it. He takes Latin classes in school, which is good for SATs and vocab and that's about it. He speaks limited Spanish - he should probably know more, considering he has a Hispanic house maid, but he's never bothered stooping to other people's levels; or at least that's how he sees it. He's bullied Rosalie into learning English instead, so he didn't have to.
5. Does he switch languages or dialects in certain situations?
Gary kind of talks down to everyone - friends, teachers, his parents, doctors, whoever. What DOES change depends on intelligence. He'll speak with a bit more respect with smart people, than stupid people who he just addresses with straight up degrading and sarcasm. He can't even be bothered with dumb people, yo.
6. Is he a good impromptu speaker, or does he have to think about his words?
With speech that turbulent, it has to be on the fly. Gary often has split second ideas spark his mind that he just acts on, without even considering for very long. His thoughts follow the same process, moving very quickly and very spontaneously.
7. Is he eloquent or inarticulate? Under what circumstances might this change?
Despite the quick wit and the fast speech, he is very eloquent, yes. Gary's thoughts are often very well-voiced and explained in a way that is fairly easy to understand. He rarely stammers, he doesn't trip over words, and he knows just what he means while he is saying it. His speech isn't overly advanced, but he speaks intelligently. He'll dumb himself down if he's mocking someone, though, to a point that it's simply condescendingly stupid.
[Mental and Emotional]
1. How intelligent is this character? Is he book-smart or street-smart?
Basically, Gary's too smart for his own good. It's an actual problem. It means he's personally conquered a lot of tasks - classes, books, video games, etc. But that's the problem. He picks things up, he makes them his bitch, and then he gets kind of bored. He can't do something for very long before he gets fed up and has to move on to something else, something entirely bigger and better and more exciting. It leaves him very snarky and very elitist.
2. Does he think on his feet, or does he need time to deliberate?
Not at all! Not that Gary can't devote months and months to planning - he certainly has before, and would not hesitate to again - but most of his decisions are very carefully constructed in split-second decisions. He does think things out, but it doesn't take much time to. His mind works quick enough that he's very fast on his feet insofar as thinking.
3. Describe the character's thought process. Is he more logical, or more intuitive? Idealistic or practical?
Gary is pessimistic and highly irrational. It comes with his natural paranoia. He can create false scenarios in his mind that may have not even happened, but he'll establish, in his mind, that they have or will. He convinces himself of the worst in people before he's even really met them, and it's entirely irrational and jumping the gun. His thoughts run highly erratic as well, fast-paced and hastily drawing conclusions as he receives evidence, very fast, almost scarily fast.
4. What kind of education has the character had?
Standard education. Gary was in daycare, then preschool, and is now in a regular K-12 program. Though he's been expelled from a few schools - for fighting, for being a "contrary child" - he's still received a fairly good education. His parents make sure he's put into some of the best private schools, when he is put into schools. Currently, he is attending Bullworth Academy, and is in his Junior year.
5. What are his areas of expertise? What, if anything, is he interested in learning more about?
Ugh. Everything. Or nothing. Gary's good at quite a bit but he doesn't really concentrate on anything long enough to keep it as an area of expertise, per se. People are probably his best one. Morbid as it is, he's fascinated with learning about people, taking them apart, finding their buttons just for every so opportunity that he can press them. Humans are turbulent, ever-changing, and therefore they're always interesting. Not to mention that human emotion is something that's always confounded him, it's a strange thing that he can't exactly relate to like normal people too, so it's a fixation.
6. Is he an introvert or an extrovert?
Kind of a happy medium? Gary doesn't go out of his way to talk to people, but once a conversation is introduced, he's very outward and extroverted. He talks loudly and boisterous and he's comfortable with talking to new people.
7. Describe the character's temperament. Is he even-tempered or does he have mood swings? Cheerful or melancholy?
Gary's a pessimist, through and through, as previously stated. He sees the worst in people and he's so fixated on it that he often can't get over the fact, to understand the good in situations as well. He's been burned too badly for that. He's an incredibly unevenly-tempered person. It takes a lot to really get on his nerves - if someone gives him crap, he can deal it right back. But there's a lot that's happened that he hasn't quite gotten to let scab over yet, and it's quite easy to set him off as a consequence, depending on the issue.
8. How does he respond to new people or situations? Is he suspicious, relaxed, timid, enthusiastic?
He WILL talk to new people, but Gary is incredibly mistrusting. There isn't really anyone he does truly trust, and so new people are seen to be incredibly suspicious figures, perhaps even going so far as to assume they're only speaking to him for some sort of ulterior motive.
9. Is he more likely to act, or to react?
Act. Gary loves himself a big plan, and he'll come up with wild schemes and drag people along with him in the process.
10. Which is his default: fight or flight?
This is actually a mixed response. Gary is a fighter, most definitely - verbally. He can snipe with the best of them, figure out how to tear people down with words and insults, scarily well. He's a big fighter in that sense, constantly lashing out at people. However, he's not very strong, and he's afraid of actual physical pain, when it's inflicted on him. When it comes to an actual fight, he'll go out of his way to attempt to calm the other person down, even if he instigated things in the first place. When all else fails, he'll run. Screaming.
No, literally.
11. Describe the character's sense of humor. Does he appreciate jokes? Puns? Gallows humor? Bathroom humor? Pranks?
Gary's sense of humor is an incredibly cruel one. It's hilarious for him, sure, usually when someone ends up getting hurt - either emotionally or physically. His best jokes are poking fun at people, insulting rather mercilessly, and generally he's the only one laughing by the end of it.
12. Does the character have any diagnosable mental disorders? If yes, how does he deal with them?
Oh boy. Okay. Do you have a while? In short, yes. So the next few paragraphs are going to be up to you, whether you pay attention or not.
Gary was originally diagnosed with a developmental disorder (attention-deficit hyperactivity, or
AD/HD) when he was very young - six years old. It explained plenty: why he could never sit still, why he was such a contrary child, etc. AD/HD is actually probably Gary's primary problem. It marks an affliction of restlessness, impulsiveness, hyperactivity and inattention, and is a lot of the reason why he is how he is. Why he constantly fidgets, why he bores with his current situation so easily, why his thoughts ramble so much, why he talks so fast. It's a lot of who Gary is, and it's the disorder he copes with quite a bit, constantly complaining that he can never stop thinking.
Of course, AD/HD is just the beginning. What Gary's therapists growing up didn't diagnose him with until it was too late was a severe case of
antisocial personality disorder - a pervasive pattern of disregard for the rights of others. While he showed several tendencies whilst growing up, he was never rightly diagnosed with the fact until his takeover of Bullworth Academy, simply because of how rare it was for such a disorder to metastasize at such a young age. Gary is, for the most part, incredibly self-centered, remorseless, and has little to no consciousness of the feelings of others. It leaves him very cruel and very biting, with little care as to how his words are going to affect others. Gary's sociopathy is aggravated by his AD/HD, his restlessness lending a hand to how harassing he can be. He gets bored, he plays with people; generally how things roll.
While paranoia is a symptom of sociopathy, with how quickly his own escalated throughout the events of Bully, Gary has also been tentatively diagnosed with a case of paranoid personality disorder. He's constantly questioning people, can hardly allow people out of sight for a few minutes before he grows suspicious. He feels a need to know everything about everyone, lest he miss details and something catch up with him later that he'll end up regretting.
On top of his major mental conditions, Gary shows tendencies towards several other disorders, none of which have been entirely disclosed as actual - simply suspect.
Oppositional defiant disorder leaves someone with a large disregard for all authority figures, which Gary leans heavily towards - he's constantly fighting with adults, he has no respect for his parents and/or all faculty and government officials.
- Gary's up and down moods tend to be very large shifts, unhealthily large. Gary's been suspected of
bipolar disorder for a long while, his mood changes never seeming to be drastic enough to truly point towards manic depression. One moment, he's fine - the next he's off the wall. His mania is in particularly intense, and being treated for.
Narcissistic personality disorder also marks quite a few symptoms in Gary - colloquially referring to a god complex. Narcissists are concerned with his or herself and only his or herself; "a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy." Again, he hasn't been all-out diagnosed with such as it could simply be cause and effect of his sociopathy, as well as his being-- well, an asshole. Though he does show many symptoms.
- Fire, lots of fire. Gary's a
pyromaniac, who was hospitalized for a particularly bad stint when he was younger, after an arson charge.
Pseudologia fantastica, or pathological lying. Gary is constantly lying, about anything and everything - from what he did that morning to favorite color to sexual abuse. It's difficult believing anything that's out of his mouth - it's either bluntly honest or entirely a fabrication.
- Gary is also a functioning
insomniac, largely due to his AD/HD. His mind never seems to stop, making sleep an incredibly difficult activity as he can't seem to clear his head long enough to fall asleep.
Gary is currently receiving treatment for all of his disorders. He's
heavily medicated, as his parents are firm believers in pharmaceutical success in treatment, his medications constantly shifting as he has yet to find a combination of pills which truly suits him well. He's been in and out of hospitals for his conditions - most specifically a few weeks in Connecticut Mental Health Center after he nearly burned down an abandoned house in Manchester. He was also in-patient for more than eight months at Happy Volts Psychiatric Facility in Washington. He was removed from both institutions before official release, against doctoral recommendation, by his parents.
13. What moments in this character's life have defined him as a person?
Depending. The mid-canon Gary would say that it's a series, a chain of events that leads up to who he is. There isn't one, sole moment, simply because Gary believes he's not simple enough for that - he encompasses a whole bunch of moments, his entire life defines him as a person.
Post-game Gary would agree, with one major correction: his takeover of Bullworth Academy. Gary feels this is his finest moment, ever, always will be. It's what he's most proud of, it took months of planning, it was a long time coming and only lasted a day. So far as he's convinced, though, everything from here on out in his life will be, at best, ranked second most memorable moment in his life.
14. What does he fear?
Getting pummeled? Gary isn't a very fearful person. He's not easily intimidated. He is, however, a firm believer that living in shit is infinitely better than dying in it, and informs several people as such. He doesn't want death - he refuses to believe his purpose in life is entirely over, though all signs seem to point towards that.
He also lives in fear of being understood. He'll never admit to himself, but it's a very real thing, also why he's so quick to push people away and mash them down. He doesn't want people to "get" him. He hates being psychoanalyzed, will snap at any opportunity people attempt - even wrongly. Petey is constantly understanding him, far more than anyone else has ever bothered to, and it's a constant source of paranoia, to Gary.
15. What are his hopes or aspirations?
He has no idea! He doesn't want to be like his parents or most of the other adults, that's so far as he knows. He wants to be something important, something to be feared and also respected - Gary is a megalomaniac through and through who is entirely too infatuated with being in charge. He simply has no idea what, exactly, he wants to achieve in the future.
16. What is something he doesn't want anyone to find out about him?
Everything? Gary likes people being afraid of him. He doesn't talk about his past, his parents, his friends (or severe lack thereof). He hates talking about himself, he hates "sharing time", and he will do much of anything to avoid that. His past is not the prettiest of ones, and he feels no need to get frank about such, with anyone. If he does share, it's in a very sarcastic manner, often with entirely false information so it's difficult to tell what's real and what's not, when he gives up information.
1. Describe this character's relationship with his parents.
Gary hates his parents. Well, no, that's nothing special; Gary hates everyone, but his parents hold a special place in his heart. He definitely grew a complex growing up in the Smith household, his mother possibly worse than his father. Janice Phinney is a stereotypical W.A.S.P. mother in Connecticut, right down to the socialite status and the prescription drug reliance. She doesn't work for a living, and spends quite some time around the house as a consequence, but not particularly mothering - mostly home improvement and the like. She's a functioning manic depressive, often relying on her medication and regular therapist appointments to keep her stable. As a result, she often blames Gary's mental disorders on herself - out loud, to him, more than enough.
His father wasn't around so often - he's always been heads of-- something. As VP at his company, he lived mostly in his work - not without anything to show, since the Smiths are extremely well off, but as a result, whenever Mark came home, he wasn't exactly familiar with anything Gary had to spew, and consequentially had a short temper - in general, exacerbated by Gary. It wasn't that Mark was a particularly abusive father, just very gruff. He was a firm believer in the spare the rod, spoil the child method of parenting, unnecessarily harsh on Gary.
Mark is actually the one who gave Gary his notorious scar - an argument in 2003. He regularly strong-armed Gary, nothing too serious - it was a freak accident sort of deal, in which Gary was pushed backwards, and split his head open on kitchen counter. It's the reason for a lot of the neglect in Mark's parenting since - he doesn't want a repeat of the incident, and often feels guilty for it.
Jan and Mark keep up appearances by regularly socializing with others in the area. They don't take Gary - understandably so.
2. Does the character have any siblings? What is/was their relationship like?
No; Gary is an only child.
3. Are there other blood relatives to whom he is close? Are there ones he can't stand?
Gary is not particularly close to any of his family members. He regularly talks to his grandfather, who lives in Washington, the same town Bullworth resides in, but there's no real connection. His grandfather is his primary contact in case of emergency.
4. Are there other, unrelated people whom he considers part of his family? What are his relationships with them?
No - Gary is only particularly close to a small amount of people (one), and he doesn't consider any of them family. He would rather not even have his designated family, so he doesn't feel the need to add to that family.
5. Who is/was the character's best friend? How did they meet?
- "You're my roommate, right? I-I'm Pete - Pete Kowalski."
- "...Are you sure you're not supposed to be in the girls' dorm?"
- "...What."
- "Well, I just mean, you do look a little girly - I won't spill your secret, but, just saying, if you need someone to turn around while you change. I'm game."
- "It. What."
Petey and Gary... do not have a typical friendship. Two of the most unlikely people that-- "get along" is strong phrasing. Petey doesn't really have any friends. Gary doesn't really have any friends. Their lack of connections was in and of itself a connection, as well as being spurred on by being roommates at Bullworth. Petey is quiet, shy, and friendly where Gary is-- his polar opposite. Yet, somehow, the boys are friends - usually with Gary teasing the boy, relentlessly, Pete tolerating such.
Gary doesn't even refer to Petey as a friend - an acquaintance at best, or his roommate - but he is incredibly protective of the boy. Despite the fact that he constantly teases Pete, torments him, even to the point of physical abuse quite often, he becomes hostile when other people try to insult him or hurt him. He is definitely Gary's best friend, despite Gary's insistence that he isn't, and he's probably the person Gary trusts most in the world.
6. Does he have other close friends?
...Not really! He has people he speaks with; nobody really knows much about him outside of 'psychopath', though. He speaks with
Luella Waldorf (a Gossip Girl OC),
Remus Lupin (Harry Potter),
Maeli (an original character), and
Tucker Donovan (another OC), but he's not particularly friends with any of them. In the case of Tucker, he doesn't even necessarily like him. But. Conversation!
Mid-game!Gary would also consider
James Hopkins an acquaintance. He is often annoyed with Jimmy, regularly calls him an idiot, a moron, bald, stupid, etc. But they're sort of friends? idk.
7. Does he make friends easily, or does he have trouble getting along with people?
I don't know if you noticed, but Gary's a little biting. Just a little. So, yeah, it's kind of hard for him to make friends with people. Mostly because he hates the world. It takes a lot of patience to even talk to Gary? So. It's hard to get along with other people.
8. Which does he consider more important: family or friends?
Probably friends, but by a very slim amount. And probably only because of Petey. He doesn't invest must stock in either.
9. Is the character single, married, divorced, widowed? Has he been married more than once?
Gary is single, and will probably prefer to remain that way for a long time coming. He's fooled around with Petey a few times. ...That's about it.
10. Is he currently in a romantic relationship with someone other than a spouse?
Not. Really? Sort of. He doesn't like to talk about it.
11. Who was his first crush? Who is his latest?
Fffft. Gary's too cool to "CRUSH".
12. What does he look for in a romantic partner?
He doesn't.
13. Does the character have children? Grandchildren? If yes, how does he relate to them? If no, does he want any?
Nope, and he has no intention to have kids because he was enough of a hooligan when he was a kid. So he'd probably end up kicking a kid through a window, he thinks.
14. Does he have any rivals or enemies?
Everyone else! Gary doesn't like people. He makes enemies far too easily - he's almost fishing to make them, really. He rarely gets along with anyone.
15. What is the character's sexual orientation? Where does he fall on the Kinsey scale?
Interesting question! Mostly because even Gary doesn't know. He's not really interested. In anyone. He's fooled around with both sexes and he's mostly incredibly bored with sex in general. Obviously he's a teenage boy and hormones get raging sometimes, but it's nothing his own hand can't fix, so he doesn't much get the appeal. He likes to think of himself as straight, mostly seeing as gay people annoy the fuck out of him, but it's a little hard to back that evidence when the only person he's really liked fooling around with is... Petey.
16. How does he feel about sex? How important is it to him?
Not at all. Gary's generally uninterested. He thinks sex is boring, unchallenging, and generally far too intimate for his tastes. He doesn't like getting that familiar with people, not as a whole.
17. What are his turn-ons? Turn-offs? Weird bedroom habits?
There aren't many - as aforementioned, he's not very interested thus far. If anything, while he is fooling around, he gets off more on the control - pinning someone, being in charge of the motions, etc. - than the actual act itself. He's incredibly rough when he does kiss and touch - he's liable to leave bruises and be far too possessive when it comes to things, making it some kind of game to win, or a battle, rather than what it's supposed to be: intimacy.
1. Do you know your character's astrological (zodiac of choice) sign? How well does he fit the type?
Scorpio traits.-Passionate
"Scorpios are fiercely independent." "Relationships with Scorpios are always complicated." "A Scorpio rarely, if ever, forgives and forgets."
Very fitting :D
2. Is this character religious, spiritual, both, or neither? How important are these elements in his life?
Neither. Gary doesn't believe in God, he's not at all spiritual, he thinks all of that sort is bullshit. He's a firm believer in the idea that there can't be a God; the world is far too fucked up for that.
3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it?
Gary's moral code is... weird. To say the list. There isn't really one. He treats people like utter shit and then demands respect in return. It makes no sense. He's a pathological liar, but then he says liars deserve a kick in the balls. What.
4. How does he regard beliefs that differ from his? Is he tolerant, intolerant, curious, indifferent?
It's Gary's way or the highway. Anyone that stands up against him or thinks differently, Gary thinks, basically, is out to get him. He gets very paranoid of people with different approaches to situations.
5. What prejudices does he hold? Are they irrational or does he have a good reason for them?
Gary is an equal opportunity hater. He's racist, he's sexist, he's homophobic, he's all-over prejudiced, pretty much. Most of it is entirely unfounded - humanity as a whole just annoys him and he finds creative ways to bitch about it. His racism isn't exactly founded; he had Hispanic maids while growing up, and therefore he thinks Mexican jokes are hilarious. His most liable one is probably his homophobia - there were a few, ah, sketchy incidents at Happy Volts, to say the least, that he refuses to go into - but even then is unfounded, considering how he is with Petey.
[Daily Life]
1. What is the character's financial situation? Is he rich, poor, comfortable, in debt?
The Smiths are filthy stinkin' rich, pretty much. Gary's father's salary makes it into the six digit numbers, they're upper class citizens, his family owns plenty of land, a rather impressive house, members of the yacht club and the country club... He's very well off.
2. What is his social status? Has this changed over time, and if so, how has the change affected him?
The Smiths are a well-known name throughout Rhode Island and Connecticut - his family's part of the old money in the England Area. Had it not been for Gary's attitude and mental health, he could have easily found himself within the Preps' clique. Gary, as an individual, however, goes down in infamy. He's well-known throughout Bullworth - and his past schools - as a psychopath, a crazy person, someone who "likes to torture people". Taking over the school did not help his predicament much! Yeah, he's got a bit of a reputation. He's wildly unpopular in the school - nobody wants to go near him. They're a bit afraid of him.
3. Where does he live? House, apartment, trailer? Is his home his castle or just a place to crash? What condition is it in? Does he share it with others?
For a majority of the year, Gary resides at his school - Bullworth Academy, in Washington, CT. He lives in the boys' dorm, his roommate being a one Peter Kowalski. When he's not at Bullworth, he's at his parents' house in Manchester. He considers Bullworth more his home than he does his parents' house, despite the fact that he owns two of his own rooms at his parents' house, with everything one could dream of inside, and his Bullworth room is... a piece of shit. Both are just sort of... bases of operation, for him to reside in.
4. Besides the basic necessities, what does he spend his money on?
Gary gets an allowance at school, but not too big of one, not after an incident with some firecrackers and a school bus. It wouldn't really matter otherwise - he's not interested in drugs or booze, he doesn't have too many hobbies. It was mostly just used to get in trouble. It's mainly to order food into school, as everyone knows the cafeteria food is, quite literally on some occasions, toxic.
5. What does he do for a living? Is he good at it? Does he enjoy it, or would he rather be doing something else?
Gary has never actually had a job of his own - he's mooched off his parents his entire life. He functions as a student at Bullworth Academy, of sorts. He gets good grades, but he's constantly talking back to his teachers, snapping at fellow students. So whether he's a "good" student is entirely debatable.
6. What are his interests or hobbies? How does he spend his free time?
Bugging people? Gary doesn't really have any personal hobbies. It's a problem. His AD/HD has him bored with simple tasks far too quickly. Mostly, he's skulking about campus, dreaming up horrid schemes and finding the best of ways to pester people.
7. What are his eating habits? Does he skip meals, eat out, drink alcohol, avoid certain foods?
Gary's eating patterns are very erratic. His meds leave him feeling sick more often than he lets on. He eats when he feels like it, which is probably an unhealthy amount, but nothing too strange. He's a teenage boy who likes to order in take-out food and live off his nasty, greasy food. He doesn't drink alcohol.
Which of the following do you associate with the character, or which is his favorite:
1. Color? Red, for anger and blood :D Also, turquoise, since he's the only Bullworth character with that particular color vest.
2. Smell? Soap, laundry detergent, and boy.
3. Time of day? During the day, when everyone's awake - not just him.
4. Season? Fall - back at school is better than not, surprisingly.
5. Book?
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.
6. Music? Gary doesn't particularly listen to music.
7. Place Happy Volts, naturally :DDDDD
8. Substance? I still don't know wtf this question means.
9. Plant? Um. Grass is nice to lay in. Yes.
10. Animal? Cats. Gary's been compared to them several times in fic, and it's a very fitting animal for him. One of the descriptions is in his sidebar on his journal!