Elections Are Funny Things...

Oct 18, 2008 21:00

These are my two favorite recent election pieces:

The Repub's long-standing technique of demonizing their opponents is suddenly not working.
So what if he's a terrorist, I'm voting for him anyway... The original story from Repub Pundit Ben Smith at Politico is here.. It makes me laugh because, first of all, the smear campaign isn't actually true in the first place & trying to connect Obama to a radical group that was active when he was *8* years old is pretty ludicrous. And because once again, the Fat Elephant has missed the fact that people care more about issues than character when it looks like they could all be homeless & penniless at any moment. Of course, no one working for McClueless's campain is in any danger of being penniless & homeless so they don't understand that.

The second one is the beginning of Wednesday's "Cheers & Jeers" post on DailyKOS, titled "The Latest 527 Ad". A fine, fine piece of satire. So fine, I read it aloud to my Mom, who also found it very funny.

She also told me that she's voting for Obama, much as she wishes he were pro-life. As she put it, "Last time I voted my conscience & see where that got me. So this time I'm voting my pocket book." (She also admitted that she really didn't expect the Houseplant to win his second term 4 years ago.) But she also wants me to stop telling her what insanely stupid thing McClueless & his Trophy Veep have done now because she doesn't really care. :-)

election 08, poltical shit, satire, rants

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