Oh HELL No! (Feminist Pro-Choice Rant)

Jul 16, 2008 21:52

My good friend bissonmomma posted a link to an article in the Huffington Post.

Apparently, the Dept of Health & Human Safety is moving to classify contraceptives as a form of abortion, with the specific intent of allowing agencies that receive federal funding to refuse to offer it to their patients. In other words, they want poor women with no access to private health care to have *more* kids.

This is insane. It's also very, very wrong- not just ethically but scientifically. Even the pro-life doctors have stated that there's no evidence that contraceptives do what these people are claiming. And HHS's basis for making this determination is equally shaky- it's essentially "According to a poll*, a bunch of people believe life begins at conception, so that means they also believe that using birth control is a form of abortion." (*they only cite *one* poll. There's lies & then there's statistics...).

How's this? I believe that people who ignore scientific data on health care in order to push their narrow, misogynistic, holier-than-God-Hiself religious views on everyone else are obviously mentally defective & should not be allowed to breed. I furthermore believe that the Morrigan will rip out their testicles with Her spear, pull every blood vessel from their bodies & hand them off to Brighid so that she can weave blankets from them for all of the unwanted kids that these same assholes ignored once they were out of the womb. Base a policy on *that* belief.

Oh, the bitter, bitter irony. I just looked at the HHS website & one of the links in the News block says, "Increases in Teen Births". Gee, ya *think*? The reason I went to the HHS site is because someone comments on the article above that you can go to the HHS site & give feedback on their proposals. However, I haven't been able to find a mention of it anywhere after poking around the site for an hour.

Fortunately, the wonderful lupabitch has posted contact information for the brainless weasel Secretary of the Dept. of Health & Human Services, which I now include here:

HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt
Office Phone: 202-690-7000
Email: mike.leavitt@hhs.gov
Fax: 202-690-7203
Correspondence Secretary: 202-690-6392

Anyone outside of the DC/metro area can call 877-696-6775 toll-free and ask to be transferred to the Secretary's office.

There's also a page at the Planned Parenthood website where you can e-mail the Houseplant-In-Chief your thoughts on his lackey's latest attempts to tell adult women in the "Land of the Free" what to do.

pro-choice, politics, rants, feminist, bullshit

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