First off, my Mom *ROCKS* I know, I occasionally vent about her when she's driving me nuts but she does most of what she does because she loves me. And I have incontrovertible proof of that fact now.
She bought a window air conditioner for my bedroom.
See, we have these goofy casement windows that are narrow & open sideways so we have to special-order air conditioners that'll fit in our windows & they're really expensive. She even ordered the black one. :-)
The North-Meets-East Hafla went really well on Sunday, despite the fact that I thought I was going to *DIE* during my solo. If I'd been smart, I'd have sucked down some water between the class performance & my solo. Alas, my brain apparently melted in the heat- as was made very clear by the fact that I *FORGOT* my veil!!! I'm doing a veil dance- kinda hard to do without a veil. One of the vendors happened to have some beautiful black ones- *real* silk, no less- & offered to lend one to me to perform with. It moves very differently than my usual one, which is some sort of sheer polyester (with a very cool red & black snakeskin pattern). *Very* differently. And is more susceptible to being blown around by fans, as I also discovered. Still, I loved it enough that I ended up buying it (it helped that it was only $20- did I mention it was *real* silk?). I'm going to bead the edges of it with some seed beads to give it a little bit of weight.
My friend Paula (who's my regular "anonymous" commenter here) had her hubby videotape all the halfa performances so when she gets my class performance & my solo up, I'll post links so folks can see. (I wish someone would have taped me dancing at Wellspring.)
Meanwhile, here's some pics from when I danced at Border's, taken by one of the dancer gals:
Or maybe not. For some reason, they don't seem to be saving to my computer at all. Instead, here's some links to some pictures of me dancing at Border's taken by one of the other belly gals:
The Begining Spinning Around Spinning Some More They're really nice pictures. :-D
(I think partially because they don't show the pudge too much)