Still trying to figure out how to get to SNAG. I'm trying to get GeekBro to loan me the money in exchange for some action figures I have that he wants- I'm waiting to hear if he'll agree. (Did I mention that they're still in their packaging & everything? You could sell them on eBay & make some good money on them! Or you could take them out & play with them & read the little mini-comics that go with them. I always meant to.)
Still nothing on the job front, other than the telemarketing place calling to make sure that I was going to come in & finish the application process. I guess if nothing else, I know *they* will give me job. *sigh* I meant to get over there this afternoon, but an FBI guy showed up at the door wanting to verify some background info on my highly-classified sister. OK, she's not highly classified, but she's got lots of clearances, being in intelligence. Amusingly, the investigator turns out to know one of my amazing classmates at the metals studio, Bobby J., so we had a brief discussion on the difference between artsy folks & military folks, as of course he asked what sort of relationship Sis & I have. Being the honest soul I am, I told him that she thinks I'm nuts but I don't hold it against her. (If she still thinks I'm nuts after I get a job in my field, *then* I'll hold it against her- but I didn't mention that). He asked about hobbies & I said, "Well, she's a single Mom so she mostly takes care of her little girl." He seemed to think that wouldn't take up *all* of one's time, so I mentioned that there was a garden at her new house & then he seemed satisfied. When I told Mom about it, she said, "You did say nice things, I hope?" & I assured her that I have. And the reality is that I am proud of my sister & everything she's done. I just wish she thought half as well of me.
Poor Mom- she got excited because when she got the mail, there was a little orange postcard saying I had a certified letter to sign for over at the main post office. She was hoping it was one of the cool metals jobs letting me know that they'd decided to hire me. Unfortunately & bizarrely, the card says it's from the grove, of all things. The group that can't e-mail, call or talk to me can shell out $5 to send me a letter?!?!? That's just nuts, not to mention a serious let-down for Mom. I seriously doubt I'll have time to go get it before the conference. I'm not entirely sure I want to use the gas- that costs money I don't have- & my time to drive all the way to the other side of town to pick up a letter that's probably telling me my dues are lasped (which I think they would be now since
they wouldn't let starshine2night pay for them last month).
starshine2night asked me about why I processed in with the Solitaries at the Sumbel at Wellspring & I told her that it's because I can't feel a part of the grove when the majority of people in it won't even talk to me. I would think that would be obvious but there seems to be some feeling (not from Luna) that I should just be willing to put up with however the grove decides to treat me- that they're allowed to be assholes because they're the ones in charge. In reality, I don't have much patience with not being treated with at least some semblance of respect.
But all that seems small compared to the fact that I just found that comic artist & writer
Drew Hayes died rather unexpectedly in March. I loved Poison Elves- it was a wonderful crazy, violent, insane romp in a very twisted fantasy world. And Drew himself was such an interesting character. I feel very sad to know that he's gone & there won't be any more Luciphur books. The world's lost an inspiration & a talent.
You know, I think that's a big part of things in my brain. When you've lived through as much death & pain as I have, there's a lot of stuff that just seems really petty in comparison. And petty stuff just isn't worth my time. I've got too much actual work to get done.