It seems Aunt D will be the new keeper of Hannah the 80-lb lap dog. She thinks Hannah will keep her own dog entertained & that they han be happy Labs together. We figure she'll start yelling the first time Pippn picks up one of Hannah's bad habits.
More News of the Weird for today--
Teen Repellant?The Ig Noble Awards are as funny as the Darwin Awards. :)
Dinner was wonderful! For the first time in ages, I ordered crab legs. I never want to order them when someone else is paying because they're usually really expensive but I was paying for myself & only myself so I splurged a bit. They are the world's most entertaining food, I think. I love tearing apart the shells & such. And crab meat tastes sooooooo good. They even had drawn butter! (I stick to low-fat spreads at home- real butter's a serious bit of decadence) Cool thing is that it was over a pound & I only ate about half so I've still got a bunch in the fridge to eat later. Instead of the usual cracker this place gives you scissors to help you tear them apart. SOOOOO much *FUN*! I love getting to play with my food. :) Top off the fun of crab legs with a delicious, rich dark chocolate cake called "Chocolate Obsession" & you've got one hell of a meal, even without the added benefit of Smith Family Entertainment.
Little Bro & I had a good time freaking out my cousin Maeve. Aunt D was telling us about how she's been without water all day because the pump for her well died. So Little Bro says, "Did you revert to raging savages?" To which I add, "Start attacking your neighbors with clubs & spears?" The look of horror on Maeve's face was priceless. Especially when Bro said, "What? Doesn't everyone do that? We've been going through neighbors pretty quickly lately..."
Grandma was saying how she shouldn't have had a Manhattan because she had enough trouble walking, Mom & I asked if she was walking any worse than normal, which she admited she wasn't, so we told her she was just fine. :-) It's not the drinks, Gram, it's that you're 87 years old & need a walker. (She's doing really well for her age but doesn't think so because she so aware of all the things she could do when she was younger & can't do now. She's stubborn like that. It's a family trait- at least with the women).