Hafla on the 27th
May 21 2006, 13:45:50 UTC
Are you going to be there? John & I will be, Dom 7 Lisa & I dunno who else...
East Meets North Hafla
Saturday, May 27 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. North Coast Dance 1230 French Street, Erie PA
Join us for an evening of Middle Eastern fun! Enjoy music, live drumming, food, exotic shopping, open dancing and performances by some of the areas finest belly dancers. Please bring a potluck dish to share (Eastern cuisine is fun but any dish is welcome) . A $3.00 donation is suggested to help defray the cost of the event.
Re: Hafla on the 27thsmithing_chickMay 22 2006, 01:22:49 UTC
Yep, those guys would be Temple of BAst. I miss dancing with them.
SNAG is the Society of North American Goldsmiths- professional organization for metalsmiths. That's where my job interview is happening & I've got a portfolio review with a gallery owner there, too. I'm hoping to make some good connections for getting some actual employment once I'm done.
Comments 4
East Meets North Hafla
Saturday, May 27
6:00 to 10:00 p.m.
North Coast Dance
1230 French Street, Erie PA
Join us for an evening of Middle Eastern fun! Enjoy music, live drumming,
food, exotic shopping, open dancing and performances by some of the areas
finest belly dancers. Please bring a potluck dish to share (Eastern
cuisine is fun but any dish is welcome) . A $3.00 donation is suggested
to help defray the cost of the event.
besides something my toenails do with socks & stuff I mean....
SNAG is the Society of North American Goldsmiths- professional organization for metalsmiths. That's where my job interview is happening & I've got a portfolio review with a gallery owner there, too. I'm hoping to make some good connections for getting some actual employment once I'm done.
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