Jul 27, 2005 02:01
amazingly we opened up the Toledo pub on the final given date, this last Monday, and everything went pretty well. still working on a few things as far as training goes, working out the bugs and such, but it honestly astounds me that we finally opened the doors. a very strange sense of accomplishment that i really don't feel i had much of a part in, yet at the same time i see my influence everywhere inside the kitchen, from how food is organized to the way that our kitchen staff cut bread.
on the other hand i'm feeling very disassociated from life back there, in Pitts where the weather is even crappier than it is here (but at least it's predictable). i miss the routines that got me through the days, yet at the same time i'm appreciating the change in life and all that it entails right now. on the other hand, i'm really not sleeping well at all.
our daylight sandwich guy came in with an ankle the size of a grapefruit this morning thanks to a ball game gone bad so i ended up having to actually work today (rather than stand around and nitpick like yesterday) and it really sucked. i'm really not looking forward to going back to the usual humdrum in Pitts because that means i'm actually going to have to clean up after myself instead of having someone else do it for me.
this is what power does. it makes you lazy.