Hey! We have a BLOG! And would you look at the dust on this thing [blows off cover of blog]. *cough* *cough* It's been a while. I blame teh Facebooks. Or global warming. Or chupacabras. Warm chupacabras that travel the world and melt ice caps. Yeah...that's my line and I'm sticking to it.
Anyway, thought I'd pop in and let y'all know that we are gearing up for Smithee 25 and have a preliminary show in the can. Conveniently, there is a convention this weekend that we can show it at! So if you are in or near the Ann Arbor Area OR you are attending
U-Con come by the Auditorium on Saturday at 7pm to midnight (the whole time or portions thereof) and help us hone down our ballot.
Seriously, please send help.
-Your Friendly Neighborhood Promotions Ninja