well things have been kinda busy lately with stuff. i figured i should update this deal. i know that pretty funny and interesting stuff has happened that i could write about, but i can't think of it right now. so anyway. today i came home around 3:30 and went to sleep. i woke up at 8:40 to the sweet smell of T.B. now i'll be awake for at least another 3 hours. i'm not sure what i will be doing during the break, but i'm sure it wont be much. board games and hide and seek. that kinda thing. when we come back on monday its all valentine's day at school. that should be interesting. sorry this is so "to the point" and not witty. Mr.Collier has been talking to us about passion. his examples of passion have been two quite graphic ones. one is about this girl named Jael. she some how lured the enemy leader of this army into her tent and then fed him warm milk to make him sleep. as soon as he went to sleep, she drove a tent peg through his head. heres the
story. he also told us about a guy who stopped a plague from God by stabbing two fornicators in a tent. this is why i love Mr.Collier. he uses the most interesting stuff to make his point. he could have used some mushy example of passion by love and devotion to someone, but instead he uses something totally opposite than what you would think. anyway. i'll try to update this thing more often. o forget it. i'm just lying. i won't try to to update this thing. i'll probably get bored in a week and think about it.