Title: Broken Promises
Chapter 3 of ?: Only Human
silverlunarstarCharacters/Pairings: 10/Rose - John/Marion, Timothy Latimer, Rocastle
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance/Angst/Drama/Fluff/Hurt/Comfort
Warnings/Spoilers: AU. Post-Doomsday.
Words: 2,962
Disclaimer: I claim no ownership
Summary: In order to protect their baby boy, the Doctor and Rose drop him off at a 24-hour daycare in Cardiff circa 1984, thinking it only a temporary measure, that they'll be back before he knows it. Things go very wrong. Also a mini-Human Nature/Family of Blood rewrite.Author's Note: This story sprung forth thanks to a
prompt for the
doctor_rose_fix Spring Fling Fixathon made by
mahmfic. It caught me hook, line, and sinker as Manni the Muse fished it in.
They're only human, after all...