Fic: Tarakian Nights

Aug 15, 2007 19:56

Title: Tarakian Nights
Author: Pari
Rating: PG
Pairing: Ten/Martha
Disclaimer: Now if I owned them, do you think I'd remember all you little people :D

Summary: The Doctor and Martha visit a Planet who's dwellings and inhabitants are reminiscent of beings found in Fairytales. Will a Prince Charming swept Martha off of her feet, and where will that leave the Doctor?

Author's Note: Hadn't planned on posting this until it was finished, but oh well :D

“Oh we get to play dress up?” Martha asked with a giddy smile as she grabbed up a frock from a nearby chair and held it up against her body, and then turned to stare at herself in one of the several full-length mirrors in the room.

“Well we can’t wear our normal gear not where we’re going, or we’d definitely stand out and we want to blend in.” The Doctor said with a sly smile as he sifted through items in one of the closets. He enjoyed playing with Martha, only giving very vague hints about their destinations.

“Aggggh, you are being so cheeky Mister,” She said playfully as she swatted his backside with the frock she still held.

“A-ha!” He said excitedly as he turned around to face her. “I think these will do just fine. This is for you.” He held out what looked to be a bra encrusted with exquisite and extensive embroidery work. Martha’s jaw dropped a bit as she stared at the garment.

“You want me to wear that?” She asked in disbelief even as her eyes twinkled with excitement.

“Yes it is custom garb for a harem girl.” He answered looking at the piece of cloth, trying to ascertain what the big deal was he’d wear it if it were customary.

“Harem girl, in your harem?” Martha spoke around giggles before she erupted in a full fledge laugh. “And what does being in ‘your’ harem entail exactly?” She asked as she arched her brow at him and she couldn’t stifle another giggle that escaped her mouth at noticing that his skin took on a red hue, which started at his neck and traveled up his face. She just couldn’t resist teasing him.

“Nothing, except that you serve me, but only when we’re out in public and God that does sound awful, doesn’t it. Maybe this was a bad idea.” He replied as he began to turn and put the items back into the closet.

“No!” Martha shot her hand out to grab the top before he could put it away. “I don’t mind I want to go on this new adventure you have planned. I’m already envisioning one of my favorite books Arabian Nights. Please, please, please let’s go.”

“Fine,” He said and smiled as she leaped at him, throwing her arms around his neck, and he welcomed the embrace as he wrapped his arms around her.

“Oh thank you,” Martha said around a huge smile as she released the Doctor and dropped back to the floor.

“You’re welcome, but if you ever feel uncomfortable in your role at anytime just say so and we’ll leave ok?” She nodded her understandings. “Oh and you’ll need this too.” He held up a shawl like, sheer piece of silk cloth. “You must keep your face and hair covered at all time while we’re out and about.” Again she nodded and she took the cloth from his hands.

“Got it, Ahh!” She squealed in excitement, startling the Doctor a bit. “This is going to be so much fun.” She said as she hurried into one of the changing rooms. The Doctor shook his head as a smile played on his lips, he too headed off to get ready.

“Ready,” Martha said as she stepped into the control room. The Doctor, who had been waiting and was now under one of the panels of the Tardis, peeked out at her and immediately dropped his screwdriver at the sight of her. His eyes first landed on the bear leg and thigh peeking out from a long slit in the skirt she wore, a slit that went all the way up to her hips, on both sides. His eyes then lingered at her midriff and the tiny navel that held a jewel that matched the colors in the skirt and brassiere, which he found adorable. Then finally his eyes locked on to hers, which were heavily covered in eyeliner and eye shadow, with a tiny gem stuck just between her brows to finish off the look. He was quite bedazzled and it must have shone because she threw him a nervous look as she bit at her bottom lip a bit. “Oh no, is it too much. I was going off of the images I recall seeing in magazines and in the movies, and then there were all the trinkets to had back there so I embellished a bit. Do I look ridiculous?” She asked feeling very self-conscious. The Doctor shook himself for his hazy and looked at her curiously.

“You’ve seen pictures and movies about the planet Taraki?”

“Oh we’re going to another world, but I thought we were going into the past to some Arabic nation on Earth.”

“Heavens no, if I took you there looking so ravishing you’d be stolen from my harem and enslaved to another.” The Doctor stated with a serious look invoking a slight giggle from Martha, at the fact he had just unwittingly given her a wonderful compliment. He then rolled from under the paneling and stood and it was Martha’s turn to gawk as she took in his attire; he wore pants which ballooned out just where his calf and boots met, and an open vest with a white shirt underneath that opened at the chest and exposed a very toned chest, and atop his head, the Doctor wore a turban like hat.

“Wow, look at you. You look fantastic.” She complimented with a smile, which he threw back to her.

“As do you, bloody fantastic in fact.” Now it was her turn to blush. “So are you ready, Ms Jones?” He asked as he moved to the controls to set in the coordinates. She moved up along side of him and firmly gripped the railing.

“Ready Doctor.” She answered and he threw the switch.

“Oh my gosh, the sky is pink, and the sun is bright purple. It’s beautiful.” Martha gushed as she twirled around in the dirt streets looking up into the sky. They had landed in a small merchant village the Doctor had called, Limpango. From what Martha could tell it was simply a large flea market full of vendors selling everything imaginable.

“Yes and at night the sky is a deep purple and the moon a light pink.” The Doctor stated. “Grab one of those wicker basket’s there,” The Doctor instructed and Martha obliged him. “Get a mixed variety of those fruits there, two of everything, and some cheese and a loaf of that bread there, I’ll just go get us a couple of bottles of wine and acquire lodging for us tonight. You stay here until I return, I’ll just be a moment.”

“Yes Zion,” She replied to the title he had told her to refer to him as while they were in public. He threw her a quick wink and a smile, happy that she was playing along so well, and then he headed off into what looked to be a tavern. Martha focused on her task, grabbing what she thought to be the most delectable fruits, squeezing them and smelling them, and only placing the ones that smelt the sweetest into her basket. After getting all the fruit she thought they would need, she moved on to the next lot where there was cheese. Out of nowhere one merchant held out one of the items he was peddling and to Martha’s dismay it was a very large rattled snake and she stumbled back, frighten. She lost her footing and fell into someone who was behind her, causing them both to fall and her basket to spew it’s contents. “Oh I’m so sorry,” She instantly began apologizing to the form just beside her. The handsome fair haired man, who had the most sparkling blue eyes Martha had ever seen, seemed to briefly glare at her irritably, before throwing her a gentle and even apologetic gaze and smile. He then began grabbing her runaway fruit and helping her to restock her basket. “Thank you sir, and I am really so very sorry, It’s just that I don’t care at all for snakes. They give me the willies.” He chuckled at her, fascinated by the language that she spoke and dialect she spoke in.

“Sire!” A man called out as he charged towards them. “Are you alright?” Before the man got his reply he had yanked Martha up by her hair.

“Hey!” She screamed out in pain and in protest.

“You wench, you’d dare to accost the Prince?” The man accused and Martha guess that he must be some kind of bodyguard.

“Tyrese, unhand her at once!” The blue-eyed stranger demanded and Martha stumbled forward a bit, into the arms of her savior, as she held her hand up to her sore scalp. “And apologize to the lady, for it was I who accidentally accosted her.”

“But sire you want me to apologize to a mere wench, who is so brazen she doesn’t even cover her face in public?” Tyrese asked and Martha’s eyes grew wide as she felt her face and instantly reached for her covering, which she now held across her face.

“That too was my doing, I tore it away when I knocked her over, she wasn’t even aware until just now when you mentioned it.” The Prince explained and Tyrese swiftly bowed before Martha.

“My most humble apologies my lady, I meant you no disrespect.” At that moment the Doctor exited the Tavern and noticed the commotion that surrounded Martha and instinctually ran to her rescue.

“Martha!” He called out and Martha turned and looked to him with relief in her eyes.

“Doc…Zion!” She called out and noticed that the Prince hurriedly unhanded her and took a step away from her. The Doctor stopped before her grasping her forearms and looking her over to make sure she was ok. He then turned to the two men.

“What’s the problem here?” The Doctor asked as he moved Martha behind him a bit.

“No problem sir, I accidentally knock over your lady for which I am most sorry.” He said this as he bowed to Martha a bit, she wanted to speak out and say that it was she who was in the wrong but somehow she knew that this would only make matters worse, so she kept silent. “I am Prince Callas, son to King Lexxus, ruler of all the lands from the Moonless Sea to Mt. Ecropolis.”

“I am the Doctor and this is Martha,” The Doctor gave introductions.

“The Doctor and Lady Martha, I would be most honored if you would be my guests tonight, I do feel awful about all of this and would like to make it up to you, with a hot meal and a warm bed.”

“Well that’s right nice of you, and most convenient seeing as how all the rooms in town seemed to be filled.” The Doctor stated as he placed his hands in his pockets and beamed at the man before him.

“Then it is settled, Tyrese will see to your bags.”

“Oh well we travel very light.” The Doctor said and Callas nodded.

“Our horses are just this way.” Callas began to lead them off, but Martha stopped them.

“But Zion, we haven’t paid for our fruit.” She said holding up the basket a bit.

“Oh right,” The Doctor then moved to pay the merchant but Callas stopped him.

“It is my treat, please.” Callas then nodded to the female merchant who nodded back with a smile and then walked off to tend to another customer. “This way,” He again led them to their horses.

“Doctor you and Lady Martha can take Tyrese’s mare and he shall walk,” Callas instructed as he mounted his horse.

“Oh, no I would prefer to walk.” The Doctor said.

“Very well then I shall walk with you, but I must insist that Lady Martha take my mare.” Callas said as he dismounted and held out his hand to Martha, who looked to the Doctor for approval.

“Go on then,” The Doctor said with a smile as he grasped the basket from her and moved aside as Martha passed and took the hand Callas was offering her.

“I’ve never ridden a horse before,” She said in a nervous voice and she gripped Callas’ hand and he smiled at her.

“Do not worry, Kyra, has been my horse since I was just a boy, she will not harm you and I shall hold the reigns to insure that she doesn’t run off.” Callas said and Martha nodded as she looked towards the large horse trying to figure out how she would get upon it, but she didn’t have long to ponder it, for Callas grasped her around her waist and lifted her up effortlessly and seated her side-saddled upon the horse. She grasped the loops descending from the head dressing adorning the horse’s head, as Callas grabbed the reigns. “Ready?” He asked and she nodded and they headed off towards the massive Castle that sat nestled atop a small mountain range.

It had been an hour’s journey to the palace but she hadn’t noticed because she had been so taken with the passing scenery, which Callas happily told her stories about.

“So what do you think of our land, Lady Martha?” Callas asked as he purposely led them up ahead a bit, away from Tyrese and The Doctor, who was preoccupied with questioning Tyrese about his people and homeland, much to Tyrese’s annoyance.

“It’s very big,” She said flashing a smile behind her veil.

“Yes I suppose it is, and someday soon it shall be mine to rule.”

“You’re soon to be King?”

“Not exactly,” Callas said but didn’t go into details. “Ah, here we are. The gardens of the palace are just ahead.” He led them through a narrow path and when they came through on the other side Martha gasped out, which brought a pleased smile to Callas’ face.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything more beautiful in my life.” Martha stated as she stared out in amazement at the seemingly endless gardens, which were filled with flowers of every color, shapes, and size.

“I used to think so too, until today.” Callas said casually as he smiled up at her, but she didn’t seem to catch his meaning, for she was so entranced by her surroundings. At this point the Doctor and Tyrese had finally caught up with them.

“Doc…Zion!” Martha said excitedly as she held her hand out to the Doctor, who stepped up and grasped her hand. “Look, isn’t it beautiful?” Callas bowed a bit and stepped back as the Doctor approached, the Doctor hadn’t notice the look of disdain in Callas’ eyes. “Oh please help me down, I want to walk through.” She requested and with a smile the Doctor reached up and grasped her around her waist and hoisted her from the Saddle. Once she was settled onto the ground she gripped his hand and pulled him into the gardens, moving from one strange and wondrous flora to the next, knowing he would knew each and every one by name. Callas and Tyrese followed at a distance.

“Are you alright my Prince?” Tyrese asked having been raised up with Callas, he knew well his Prince’s moods.

“Yes,” Callas answered as he kept his eyes on Martha.

“She is very lovely.” Tyrese stated as he followed his eyes to where Callas’ lay. “But she belongs to another and our law forbids the thoughts that you’re having…so long as the Doctor is alive that is.” Tyrese said this last part with a smile, one Callas match with one of his own.

“Thank you my friend for keeping me appraised of our laws and their loopholes.”

“It’s apart of my job, as well as keeping you up to date with the affairs of the state.” Tyrese said suddenly changing the conversation.

“Such as?” Callas now gave his guard and closest ally his undivided attention.

“King Leonis sends word that he will back you, if and when you need him. Him and his entire army.”

“I know we have spoken of this Tyrese and I understand that there are many in the senate that are ready to see change come to our land, but I am not ready to rise up against my own father so they can have it.”

“But my Prince even you must admit that the Kings actions of late are, well strange for a lack of a better word. Ordering all the newborns of the slaves slaughtered as a means to thin them out, because he fears their numbers will grow greater and they will upraise against him. It’s madness, and he grows madder by the day.”

“Hold that tongue, or I shall forget that I think of your as my brother. It is the King you speak ill of, my father, and that can be deemed as treason befitting a hanging.”

“Forgive me my Prince,” Tyrese bowed his head and spoke with no conviction in his voice. “Sometimes I forget my place.”

“You would do well to remember it in the future, especially when there’s an audience…but “ Callas spoke as he locked his gaze back to Martha, who was leaning over smelling a large pink blossom. “Send King Leonis my thanks for his support, in the event that I may ‘soon’ need it.” With a devilish smirk Tyrese nodded and then turned and disappeared back through the path with his horse.

“I hope the chamber is to your liking Doctor, if you need anything simply pull this lever here and the chamber maid will come to attend to your needs.” Callas said as he stood in the vast room, with Martha and the Doctor.

“It’s just fine thank you again.” The Doctor said with a smile as he eyed the various painting upon the wall moving in for a closer inspection of them.

“While you get settled, I shall personally escort Lady Martha to her room.” Callas stated and gained the Doctor’s full attention.

“Martha will remain here with me.” Callas stammered a bit, trying the think of a reason why he couldn’t allow such a thing, but really there was no law against it. In fact it was expected that a harem girl would share the bed of her master, however the thought of Martha sharing hers with the Doctor bothered Callas, though he hid his displeasure perfectly.

“Of course, I shall have one of the ladies in waiting bring you dinner and bedding attire.” Callas said and then with a bow he turned and hurried from the room.

From the festivities one would have thought it was a celebratory welcome of some important head of state and not two travelers, but neither the Doctor nor Martha complained as they entered the grand banquet hall. After being introduced formally to the court, they got a more personal meeting with King Lexxus, who had already been told of their arrival by Callas. As they all took their seating, the Doctor seated next to the King with Martha at his side, and Callas at hers, the food was served and entertainment started. Callas quickly leaned over to strike up a conversation with Martha, who sat uncomfortably in her seat. She had noticed the second she entered the room that all eyes had been on her, and she had also noticed the not so subtle whispering going about the room, which she was sure were about her.

“I must apologize for my subjects, they are not an open-minded people. They watch you and whisper because you have what they see as strange customs.” His words peaked her curiosity as she turned to him full on.

“Have I done something inappropriate or not worn something in the correct fashion?” She asked.

“No not at all, you look,” He paused choosing his words correctly as so not to let the wrong thing come out that might be deemed disrespectful to the Doctor. “You look lovely, but look about at the other ladies, do you notice anything different about them as oppose to yourself?” Martha did as he instructed but couldn’t place his meaning and so he explained. “You are wearing your veil and head dressing still. Although it is customary to wear it out in public, within the confines of your dwellings…well its not done among my people.” Martha’s eyes grew wide at the news.

“I am so sorry, I didn’t know and I surely didn’t mean any disrespect. Should I take them off then?” She asked and Callas gave her an understanding smile.

“Allow me to help you.” He said and then reached up and pulled back the scarf from her hair as she unclipped the veiling, and threw a coy smile to those who now seemed to be giving her a smile of approval. “I think I shall make a new law when I am ruler that will not allow ladies as beautiful as you, to cover their faces.” Callas said with a smile, which Martha returned along with a blush.

“And that will be a day long in coming my son.” King Lexxus boomed out as he gave his son an icy stare, around the brim of the gold wine goblet he was raising to his lip. “You are not yet capable of filling my shoes boy.” He continued after swallowing down his wine, and his words invoked a boisterous laugh throughout the room.

“I do not know Sire, I’d say my shoes are at least three sizes ‘bigger’ than your own.” Callas spat back with a smile that guised his true feelings of contempt. His words too gained laughter but not from his father.

“That may be, but unfortunately for you the law states, you will only rule ‘after’ my death.”

“Too right father, that has been our way since the succession of your father, my grandfather, King Gradius, but before his time rulers were determined by the poisons of the violet poppies or a dagger, as I recall.” These words gained a hush in the room as everyone, save Martha and The Doctor, stared silently with frightened eyes to their King who slowly shoved his chair back and stood to glare down at Callas, who in turned showed no signs of fear whatsoever.

“Was that a threat Callas?” The King asked as he narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth. Even though it seemed that the King was well along in age and had seen many harsh battles, he still emitted a presence that screamed he was a force to be reckoned with.

“Not at all Sire, simply a history lesson.”

“Sounded more like some delusions of grandeur.” The King said as he moved to retake his seat, and once again laughter rang out.

“No sire ‘I’ am not a man whose head is deluded and I don’t think any man will ever think so, much less say so when I am King.”

“You suggest that one has said such a thing of me, during my tenure?” Callas didn’t reply but simply raised his glass to take a drink, but before the glass touched his lips it was swatted away, hitting the floor and spilling it’s contents.

“Oh, this does not look good.” The Doctor whispered to Martha. “I think we’re witnesses the beginnings of a civil war.” Her eyes widened at this news as she looked from Callas to the king.

“Do you think we should leave?” Martha asked a bit unnerved by the idea of a war.

“And miss it, naaa.” He scoffed even as he grinned a bit.

“You go too far Callas, if you were any other man I would have you beheaded.” King Lexxus hissed.

“If you were any other man Sire, our slaves wouldn’t be half the numbers they were just last week. And our people would be starving.” Callas spat out as he stood and this got him a hard smack across the face. Instinctually Tyrese stepped forward, gripping his sword. The King hadn’t even noticed the tall black man until Callas, who now glared at his father, held up a hand to still Tyrese’s deadly actions.

“You dare raise your arms against me?” The King addressed Tyrese, who gave no hint of apologies as he now stood at Callas side. “And you, flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood you seek to overthrow me?”

“I seek a change. I seek more for my country and my countrymen.” Callas stated and the King looked nervously about the room.

“Guards, siege them!” The King commanded to the few Guards standing within the room but none moved to his request, instead they stood behind Callas, clearly siding with him.

“You see father, I am not the only one who seeks a change.” Callas and his followers then turned to leave before more of the King’s loyal guards could arrive and capture them.

“You want to overthrow me, me!” By this time other ‘loyal’ guards had arrived having heard their King call for them. They took arms and sided with the King, moving to surround and protect him if need be. “You want a war boy, then I’ll give you a war!” King Lexxus screamed to Callas’ retreating form, which was already exiting the Palace doors, going out into the night.

“That was fantastic,” He said as he leaped upon the bed, and rested on his back against the many pillows. She sat on the bed beside him and took off her shoes as she stared at him as if he were mad. “I don’t think I’ve ever eaten so much in my life, and all of that wine…Martha I think I might be a bit sloshed.” He ‘giggled’ at her.

“You did catch the part where there’s going to be a war, father against son, right?”

“Yeah.” He replied and threw her an ‘and so what?’ look.

“Do you purposely take me to places and times where you know there will be disorder, dismay, depression, and death?” Martha asked as she flopped back against the pillows and stared over at him.

“No, but it does make things so much more interesting dunit?” The Doctor stated with a wiggle of his brow. “Martha, this was going to happen whether we showed up or not, sooner or later.”

“You don’t know that, you yourself told me that our interactions could change the course of events in the timelines.”

“Yes but I can’t see how that applies to us in this situation. I think Callas has had issues with the way his father has been ruling, for some time.”

“Yeah, I heard the maids speaking about how the King had murdered all the children of the slaves.” Martha said with a frown as she shivered a bit at the thought.

“Yes a definite tyrant, but Callas seems to care for his people and land, so maybe this is for the best.”

“I suppose,” Martha conceded with a heavy sigh.

“No worries Martha, things will sort themselves out. And we shall move on in the morning, I think you’re overdue a visit to your family.” The Doctor said as he patted her head and then turned over more onto his side to face her, as she lay on her side facing him. They stared at each other for several moments in silence before the Doctor spoke again. “You really are very lovely, have I ever told you that?” He said with a goofy smile on his lips and a gloss to his eyes.

“No, which tells me that you are definitely drunk.” Martha said with a giggle. He looked at her with a frown.

“I’m,” He started to protest but paused as he felt a gurgling in his belly. “Going to be sick.” He finally got out as he covered his mouth and rushed from the bed into the adjoining washroom. Martha followed close behind him, stopping as he slammed the door in her face. She leaned against the door and could hear him spewing his dinner out on the other side.

“Doctor, are you ok?” She asked but only got gagging noises as a reply. With a disgusted frown on her face she moved from the door and back towards the bed. At that moment she heard the latch on the window click and turned in time to see Callas entering the bedroom through the window. “Callas?”

“Lady Martha,” He replied as he scoped the room seeking out the Doctor. “Where is the Doctor?”

“In the loo, it seems your wine didn’t agree with him.” She joked with a smile then turned serious again. “I thought you left after what happened, are you ok?” He smiled at her concern.

“I am fine, I apologize that you witnessed that, but it has been building for sometime now.”

“So you will try to overthrow your father?” She asked.

“If I do not, the surrounding nations will go to war against him they’ve been plotting it for some time now, they just couldn’t get any allies from within our senate, until now. My father is not of a sound mind, and if I overthrow him at least he will not be killed, just retired to one of our estates in the country, where he will be well cared for.” Martha nodded her understanding.

“So you’re planning to overthrow him right now?” She asked with growing concern as she pondered how she would get herself and a drunk Doctor out before things turned to chaos.

“No, I got halfway to town and realized I forgot something.” Callas answered.

“What could you have forgotten that was so important you’d risk capture and possible decapitation for it.” Martha asked with wide excited eyes as she grinned up at him in somewhat disbelief and admiration at his brazen action.


“Uggg, I will never drink again, I threw up things I don’t even remember eating.” The Doctor spoke as he re-entered the bedchamber, looking disheveled and flushed. He looked around to find the room empty. “Martha?” He called out just as there came a knock at the door. “What did you lock yourself out?” He spoke as he moved and opened the door, but didn’t find Martha as he had expected, instead one of the Kings guards stood before him. “What is it, what’s happened, where’s Martha?” The Doctor demanded.

“The King requests your audience.” The guard said as he yanked the Doctor out of the room and down the corridor. They descended the stairs and made their way back to the banquet hall, which upon entering the Doctor notice had been turned into some sort of command center or war room. The King stood at the head of the large wooden table, surrounded by what looked to be his counsel.

“Doctor, thank you for joining us. I apologize for…” The Doctor instantly cut him off.

“Where’s Martha?” He demanded again.

“I’m sorry Doctor but your girl has been taken.”

“Taken, what has she done to you, you take me to her this instant.” The Doctor yelled as he took a threatening step forward.

“I wish I could accommodate you Doctor, but I am not the one who has captured her. It seems my son has taken an interest in your girl. Under different circumstances I’d be happy, for I always thought Callas’ interest lied on the other side, what with the way he and Tyrese were always inseparable, even as children.” King Lexxus said.

“I so don’t care about your son’s sexual preferences, where has he taken Martha?”

“I cannot say, it seems he has gained many allies throughout the countryside, in his conquest to overthrow me. They have hidden him well, but not for long I shall smoke him out, I’ll set the entire countryside ablaze if I have to.”

“Sire!” One of the guards rushed into the room. “The scouts have returned.”

“Good, show them in.” The King said as he moved around to the side of the table. “What news have you?” He spoke to the two young boys who looked to be no more the ten or eleven years of age.

“Sire,” They both bowed before one of them began to speak. “We have spotted Prince Callas he has retreated to the Halliwell Estates, in the western province.”

“The fool, “ Lexxus said with a smile. “That is my most vulnerable estate, based right at the foot of the Cypress cliffs, it can be attacked from several points.”

“All of which are occupied Sire,” The boy continued and the king turned and once again gave him his full attention.

“Occupied by who?”

“They carry flags with the crests of King Leonis.” The boy answered.

“Leonis, I should have known, he’s been itching to declare war against me since I conquered Leone from his father nearly twenty years ago, when he was just a boy. I always saw it in his eyes even then. Well if he wants a war I’ll give him one and I shall take his head with the same sword I used to take his father’s, during the War of Leone. Prepare my armor, we ride at first light!” The King commanded and the room filled with a joyous roar.

“Wait what about Martha?” he Doctor asked.

“Doctor I am about to go to war against my own son, to keep my kingdom and possibly my very life as well as the lives of all you see here, I could care less about your girl.” He then turned back to his counsel and commanders, to strategize their fast approaching battle. The Doctor gave a hard glare to the older man before turning to leave. He had made it to the doors, readying to leave when he heard someone beckoning him.

“Pssst,” He heard again and turned around in search of who was making the noise, he finally spied a young maid hiding behind the staircase. The Doctor cautiously moved to her, and when he got close enough she reached out and grasped his hand, yanking him inside what looked to be a hidden passageway beneath the stairs. “I know where your girl has been taken, and I will help you get her back.” She said as she rushed them along the hidden cavern.

She awoke in a haze and it took a few moments for her blurry vision to focus, and when it did she bolted upright, having remembered that she had been kidnapped.

“Do not fret Lady Martha, you are safe.” Callas spoke as he reached out and stroke her face lovingly. She flinched away from him throwing him as angered looked as she scurried away from him, in the oversized bed they both sat upon.

“Safe, you’ve kidnapped me.” She exclaimed as she struggled to make her way to the edge of the huge bed. Callas made no attempt to stop her, knowing there was nowhere she could escape to.

“I’m sorry this isn’t exactly what I had in mind for us, but this evenings events forced my hand a bit.” He said with a gentle smile as he continued to sit calmly on the bed. “I had hoped I would have more time to seduce you.”

“Seduce me, you can’t seduce me I’m with the Doctor. I am his harem girl.” She tried to reason. “Don’t you have laws about such things?”

“Yes, it is forbidden to take a girl from the harem of another.” Callas answered honestly. “Unless you kill their Zion.” He added the last part and watched her closely to see her reaction. His heart lurched at seeing the fear and panic that filled Martha’s eyes and the way she clutched her chest.

“No, please no.” She moaned out shaking her head a bit, her tears already welling up.

“I didn’t harm your Doctor.” Callas said with a bowed head, angry that his words has upset her, angry at the fact that she obviously loved the Doctor, and angry that he hadn’t killed the Doctor as Tyrese had suggested.

“Thank God,” Martha gasped out with a smile her tears suddenly spilling out.

“But you will never see him again Martha,” He said this as he stood and moved around the bed to stand before her. “You belong to me now, but not as some harem girl. You will be my lady ruling at my side.”

“And I suppose I don’t get a say in the matter.” Martha replied as she folded her arms across her chest and looked at him defiantly. Callas smiled at her reaching out to stroke her hair but she stepped back, away from his reach.

“No, you don’t get a say in ‘this’ matter, but know that I will treat you well Martha I love you and would never harm you in any way.”

“You love me, you don’t even know me?”

“You do not believe it possible to love someone you’ve just met? You’ve never experienced this?” He asked and she had to look away, for she knew all to well what it was like, for it was exactly what had happened the moment she had met the Doctor. “I suppose you wouldn’t, you’ve been trained to be a harem girl from birth. Have you always been…his?” She eyed him briefly and then nodded her head. “Well no more, this is a new life for you, you will never be treated like a second class citizen, not my me nor anyone in ‘my’ kingdom. You are free Martha.”

“Free, but I have to be with you to have said free?” She said as she rolled her eyes at him. “So you are forcing me to be with you…”

“No, I don’t think of it that way and I wish you wouldn’t either.” He then noticed the way she looked to the bed with anxiety filled eyes. “I will never force you into my bed Martha, if that is what you are so worried about. That doesn’t mean that I will not try my hardest to woo you, but if you come to my bed it will be because you chose to, not because I have forced you.” Martha stared into his eyes as he said this and she could see that he was being genuine, and she inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. “I must leave you now, I suspect my father is already planning an attack and so I too must prepare. You are free to roam the castle and the grounds but there will be one of my personal guards with you at all times, for your own safety. In time dear Martha I think you will grow to love it here and maybe even grow to love me.” He said this last part with a hopeful smile but she only turned her back to him and moved to the only window in the room, to stare out at the pink moon. She heard him sigh and then leave the room, closing the door behind him.

“Doctor, where are you?”

This story archived at

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