So, porn battle, then?

Aug 14, 2007 20:34

I suggested a Ten/Martha pr0n battle in the last modpost, some people said "yes please", so here's how it goes:

I'm nicking the format from femslash_today (see one of their battles here). Basically, you comment to this post with as many prompts as you can dream up. Tomorrow night I stick all the prompts in one post and people respond in comments with smutty fic - as short or long as you like, so long as there's sexx0rs.

Prompts can include: a situation, line of dialogue, kink, other partners to be included in a Ten/Martha/? threesome or moresome, a few words of a prompt, or anything else you think someone might be able to convert into smut. Doctors other than Ten are A-Okay.

And... go!
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