Strip Pool

Sep 01, 2008 09:52

Title: Strip Pool
Author: TARDIS_Mafia
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own anything in Doctor Who...which is unfortunate.
Characters: Ten/Martha, Jack.
Summary: Sequel to Playing Pool.
Beta: The fantabulous persiflage_1.

Had it not been for the incredible Doctor Martha Jones, the Doctor would have tragically lost the tournament and been forced to be Jack’s personal servant because of the side bet they had made. Although, seeing as Martha was his partner, she hiked up her leather skirt whenever Jack was ready to shoot, causing him to miss. She gave herself a mental pat on the back each time Jack either made a bad shot or just missed the ball completely, on the account of her.

“So Martha, Doctor, it looks like you two have successfully won the first Torchwood Pool Tournament.” Jack smiled and handed them each a small trophy. “We’ll have plates engraved for you tomorrow and put them on.”

“Well I think Martha deserves most of the credit, if not all of it. She causes quite the distraction,” the Doctor looked at his new lover next to him as she bit on her bottom lip innocently. Jack didn’t miss the looks the two were exchanging but wasn’t quite sure why, either.

“Yes I seemed to have noticed,” Jack looked at Martha, “whenever I went to take my shot, you seemed to have casually pulled up your skirt enough to almost see your cute little lace panties.”

“You talk as if I did it on purpose,” Martha smiled and turned her back to put away their pool cues.

“No, no, you did do this on purpose to Jack, but what was the purpose of doing it to me?” the Doctor asked as he followed her to the rack where the pool cues hung.

“You are being ridiculous,” Martha turned to the two-hearted alien and melted when she noticed he had put on specs to tease her, “I didn’t do it to you on purpose…well kind of, but I was just thinking of yesterday.”

“Whoa, whoa, what happened yesterday? What did I miss and why did you not include me?” Jack asked.

“Let’s just simply say that I was trying to teach the Doctor how to play pool and the situation got heated.” Martha shrugged.

“How heated, exactly?” Jack asked.

“Not now Jack,” Martha smiled as she draped her coat over her arm and held her trophy with the other hand, “I’m in the mood for a bubble bath and sleep because let’s face it,” she turned to the Doctor, “it wasn’t the excitement of the tournament keeping me up last night.” With a final wink to the Doctor, Martha walked away swaying her hips back and forth as she headed to her car.

“I need a cold shower,” Jack said before turning away to his room.

She turned when she heard the Doctor’s footsteps running from behind her.

“Leaving so soon?” the Doctor asked as he met up with her in the parking lot. “I was hoping you could come back to the TARDIS with me and chat.”

“Chat, you?” Martha laughed in disbelief. “I doubt you've ever carried on a long conversation in your life that didn’t deal with something alien and the end of the universe.”

“Now Martha that really hurts me,” the Doctor put his hands on his chest over his hearts. “Besides, don’t you owe me a game?”

“A game of what, chess?” she asked as threw her coat into the passenger seat of her black car. Her window was already open so it was easy for her to grab things or put them away quickly.

“I thought I’d take you up on that game of strip pool,” the Doctor towered over her as he backed her against her own car. He pressed his growing member into her stomach and ran his palms lightly over her breasts. She took in a sharp breath and looked around to see if anyone was watching. “No one is watching,” he bent down to kiss her neck, his tongue swirled in one spot before attacking it with his lips and teeth. Martha hissed as he bit her lightly.

“Biting,” Martha breathed out.

“What?” the Doctor asked as he grabbed her rear and pressed her against him hard.

“Your kink is biting,” Martha said when she finally was able to catch a breath, “I have a few bite marks from you on my shoulders, stomach and neck.”

“Perhaps it is but do you really care?” he growled in her ear. He could feel and smell that Martha was aroused by not only the way he was working her with his mouth but also his tone of voice.

“No, I’m all yours,” Martha ran her hand over his chest, down to his belly and finally wrapping her hand around his cock as best she could. He moaned and bucked his hips toward her hand, wanting her right there in the parking lot. “And since you say no one is watching,” Martha dipped down to her knees, unhooked his trousers and slid them down his slender hips before taking him in her mouth. Once the Doctor got over the initial shock, he gently grabbed her and pressed her head to take him all in her mouth.

She relaxed her throat as she swallowed his entire length before withdrawing him from her mouth. The cold air hit his hard cock and Martha smiled as he shivered.

“Do you still want to play pool?” Martha asked, still on her knees and ready do anything the Doctor asked of her. As he was about to answer her, she wrapped her warm hand around his cock and stroked him gently at first before applying pressure. He gripped the car as he realized that if she kept doing this, he’d not only come but he’d fall to the ground and probably on Martha, and that wasn’t exactly the sexiest thing to do.

“TARDIS,” he breathed out as he pulled her up from the ground and pressed his lips against hers hard. He could taste himself on her lips and in her mouth when he slid his tongue desperately inside.

“So I take it that's a ‘no’ on the strip pool?” Martha smiled against his lips, “being naked already while going to the pool table kind of defeats the purpose of strip pool.”

“When we get into the TARDIS, I’m going to make love to you on the console and tomorrow when you wake up from an exhausting night, then we can play strip pool.” The Doctor grunted as she continued to stroke him with her hand.

“I have to know before we even start,” Martha took in a deep breath before continuing, “Where is this new “relationship” going to lead us? Will you just up and leave me behind after you have sex with me or…what?”

“Martha, I care for you a lot, you know that,”

“I don’t know that, that’s why I’m asking you. If it’s just sex you want from me, then we should stop now because honestly, I think I deserve more than just this.” Martha looked him dead in the eyes and stopped stroking him. “I have wanted you this way and I know you think you can’t have a relationship…it’s just you don’t want to. So tell me,” Martha left her sentence hanging and waited for his response.

“You’re not some casual shag, Martha, I love you very much,” the Doctor locked eyes with her and stepped as close as he could to her, “if you want to travel with me again, I’d love for you to, but I won’t force you.” He didn’t want to go into the whole relationship topic just yet - he wanted to wait until the right moment.

“I’d just like to know if you want me or not,” Martha rested her hands over his hearts, feeling them thump under her palms. “And when I say ‘want me’, I mean want me as your lover and friend.”

“I do, I just didn’t want to seem pathetic to you if I were to beg you to come back and travel with me. It’s not easy for me to admit that I love and care about someone, much less ask them to leave their life for me,” He confessed.

“Well, do you want me to travel with you?” She asked, ready to gauge his next reaction.

“I’d be honored,” the Doctor smiled as she gave him her approving grin. “Do you think we can get inside or something? I feel a bit odd standing out here with my trousers down to my ankles and being fully hard.” Martha laughed, nodded and let him into her car so she could drive him back to her flat where he'd parked the TARDIS, despite her pleas not to park it in her tiny living room.

As she drove home, the Doctor couldn’t resist fondling his companion in the car. Between grabbing her breasts and stroking two fingers between her folds, Martha was having a hard time focusing on the road. She then raised her hips when he pushed her skirt up to her waist and pulled down her panties and stroked her clit in fast circles. She nearly crashed the car a couple of times, but it was nothing Doctor Martha Jones couldn’t handle; or so she thought.

When he made her come the second time on the way home, she finally pulled over to a dark alley and straddled him in the passenger seat. His pants were still down to his ankles so there wasn’t much more either needed to do. She placed a leg on each side of him before sliding down his long length. The Doctor was a switch, in some ways. He liked it when Martha took control of him but he knew there would be times when he needed to be in the driver’s seat and fuck her senseless.

“Martha,” the Doctor hissed as she moved up and down his cock. Her arms were wrapped around his neck as his hands were grabbing every inch of her as much as he could. He did know one thing: he wanted to taste Martha Jones once they got back to the TARDIS.

The car rocked back and forth as their movements became more violent; violent in a way where Martha could actually experience a triple orgasm. Her inner muscles clenched around his cock as she reached her third orgasm of the night. The Doctor came inside of her and rested against the seat like warm dough.

“That’s the first time I’ve ever done it in a car,” the Doctor said against Martha’s hair, “and we even fogged up the windows.” Martha chuckled against his shoulder and kissed his neck.

“It was bound to get hot and heavy in here,” Martha finally said as she pulled from the Doctor and got back into her seat.

She drove home in a hurry and hurried into the TARDIS. “So what do you think? Strip pool or,” the Doctor cut her off when he tackled her against the door. He closed the distance between them, feeling each other’s body temperature and smelling the growing arousal in the air.

“I said I was going to make love to you at the console and that’s exactly what I plan on doing,” the Doctor said, picking her up from the ground and carried her over to sit on the console. “The TARDIS will get much enjoyment out of this,”

“Not as much as I will,” Martha grinned and quickly stripped the Doctor's clothes. There he stood; a naked 900 year old Time Lord with glasses, messy hair, and he could not have been sexier. The Doctor smiled and put on his glasses before ripping Martha’s clothes from her with ease. He spread her legs open as he stood between them and leaned in to dip his tongue into her juices Martha gripped the edge of the console as her head flew back with a cry.

“Fuck!” she cried out as the Doctor moved his tongue up, down and around inside of her. Martha was never one for swearing but in this case, she couldn’t help herself.

“In a minute,” the Doctor chuckled. He sucked on her clit while inserting two fingers into her, pleasing her as best he could. While his right hand was occupied with Martha down below, his left hand reached up to caress her right breast, teasing her sensitive nipple.

When he couldn’t take it any longer, he withdrew his fingers and sucked them clean. He carefully guided his length into her, massaging her clit as he did so. Her legs wrapped around him, drawing every inch of him into her. Both of his hands were now massaging her breasts, although, one hand on occasion managed to slip away back to her clit.

The Doctor was right; the TARDIS was getting pleasure out of this. The lights flickered on and off and Martha could have sworn she felt the console vibrate.

He towered over her and began nipping on her neck, leaving small bite marks on her delicate flesh. His tongue reached her pulse point and felt it beat against his sensitive tongue. Her hands were fisted into his already messy hair as he rode her. He reached for her ankles and placed them on his shoulders as he penetrated deeper into her and down to the base of his cock.

With one hand now in his hair, Martha’s other reached up behind her to hold on to anything she could grip on to as she felt her next orgasm ready to hit her. He sensed it was approaching and wanted to give her everything she deserved and he gripped on to her thighs and slammed into her with speed. The sounds of moaning, groaning and skin slapping against each other filled the Control Room.

Martha finally came again with a louder cry than before and arched her back up towards him. The Doctor flicked his tongue over her nipple and came right after her. With the Doctor still inside her, he moved them over to the Captain’s chair where they could easily rest.

“Are you up for more or is that all Martha Jones can take?” the Doctor challenged as he saw Martha panting with her eyes closed.

“You may have two hearts but I still have the upper hand,” Martha murmured against his chest.

“How do you figure?” He asked as he placed his glasses on top of his head.

“We both know how turned on you get by me so, I don’t even have to do much work to make you hot for me,” Martha grinned. “Just remember, Doctor, I know every inch of your body, I’m a doctor and I can please it all in a matter of seconds,”

With that, Martha pulled away with a smirk on her face.

He quickly moved the TARDIS into the Vortex and stayed there until later when he just may take her on a safe adventure.

“I’ve got my work cut out for me, don’t I girl?” the Doctor asked the TARDIS as he petted the console before finding Martha in his cool bed and on her side of it. He slid in next to her and before he even realized it, he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep. Martha, however, was awake but felt her eyelids growing heavy. She snuggled against the Doctor, resting her head on his chest to listen to his hearts beating and running her hands through his chest hair. She wanted to ask him about where their relationship would go so it could save her the pain if he told her he didn’t love her and left her until she called him again. ‘Just another topic for another day,’ Martha thought just before falling asleep in the Doctor’s arms.

When the Doctor woke up from a restful sleep, he noticed that Martha wasn’t in bed with him. He quickly walked to his closet and put on a fresh suit and wandered around to find her.

“Where is she?” the Doctor asked as he stopped in the corridor and leaned against the wall. He headed for pool room once the TARDIS told him where she was. “Perhaps I should cheat and put on more clothes,” the Doctor said quietly to himself. When the TARDIS gave him a disapproving answer, he just sighed and headed to greet Martha. “You always take her side,”

“Good morning, Mr. Smith!” Martha smiled as she looked up at the smiling man in the doorway.

“Good morning, Dr Jones,” the Doctor smiled and looked around to find a table in the corner of the room filled with snacks. “And what is all this?”

“I figured something out last night,” Martha started as she arranged the snacks she knew the Doctor would love, “you drain me so much that I get incredibly hungry and thirsty so when something will happen, and I know it will, we’ll have snacks and something to drink for later.”

“Always thinking ahead,” the Doctor smiled and ran his eyes over the table of goodies that Martha found in the kitchen. “You know, if you let me melt this chocolate, I can drizzle it over your body and lick it off.” He said holding up a bar of chocolate that he very well knew could be used for “body art”.

“You and that tongue,” Martha shook her head, “so before we start, is there anything else you need?”

“Not that I can think of…I’m just looking forward to you removing your clothes,”

“Did you mind that I called Jack to play with us?”

“What?! Martha, you didn’t!” the Doctor exclaimed. Of course he liked Jack but he didn’t want Jack to see him naked.

“Of course I didn’t,” Martha threw the Doctor a pool cue and took her place at the table, “but it was fun watching you squirm at the fact that Jack might actually get to see you and your goods.”


“Would you like to break?” Martha asked as she interrupted him.

“No, why don’t you go ahead,” the Doctor stood aside to let her stand in place. As she bent over the table ready to make her shot, Martha missed every single ball when the Doctor pressed up against her rear. “Looks like it’s my turn,” he grinned as he nudged Martha out of the way.

“That’s unfair!” Martha exclaimed and stomped her foot.

“Now Martha, no one likes a sore loser,” he held up a finger before bending over to break the balls apart.

“That’s the way you’re playing it today, Mr. Smith,” she stated, “fine.” The Doctor grinned evilly at his companion before returning back to the game.

Once he found a perfect spot for him to sink two balls in their holes, Martha reached forward and grabbed his cock hard. The Doctor shrieked and nearly threw the pool cue across the table. He turned around quickly and was ready to throw her down on the table and ravish her-tease her until she begged for him to slip inside of her.

“Let’s make a rule of no touching each other until one of us loses,” he suggested as he tried to take his mind off his hardening cock.

“You started it!” she retorted.

“Fine,” the Doctor cleared his throat and rearranged the balls so they could start over, “and before we get started, how should we do this?”

“After every game, whoever wins gets to pick what clothing gets taken off their opponent,” Martha said, already knowing the rules of this game, “although I’d like to be the one taking off your clothes Mr. Smith,”

“As long as I get the same when you lose to me,” he looked down at the dark woman as he did his best not to just rip off her clothes.

“Deal,” Martha stuck out her hand to the Doctor and he gratefully shook it.

When Martha won the first round, she decided she wanted to remove the Doctor’s trousers first, instead of his shoes or his jacket. He did look funny standing around in his jacket, shirt, tie, shoes and socks but it made Martha happy; especially when he wasn’t wearing underwear. She had slid his trousers off slowly and let her hand brush against his cock. He tried to calm himself down so she wouldn’t know she was making him hard already, but he lost that bet with himself too.

The Doctor had managed to win the second round as he grew better competing with Martha and had her remove her tight jeans. He brushed his lips softly against her inner thigh as he slid her jeans down. He then licked his lips when she was bent over the table arranging the balls and saw that she was wearing a leather thong.

“Martha!” the Doctor exclaimed making Martha jump and turn around.

“What?” she asked and looked around to see what was going on.

“You’ve got a tattoo on your bum!” he pointed at her right butt cheek and saw a tattoo of a naked fairy with only her panties showing and her long black hair covering her breasts. The fairy looked almost exactly like Martha and on the bottom of the fairy was a banner that had her first name in it.

“Oh yeah,” Martha twisted her body to look at it, “another college experience.”

“Another dare I assume?!” he stared at Martha in shock but was also very turned on. He had already seen the tattoo on her arm and a bit of the tattoo on her stomach and that was enough to let him know she had a bit of a devilish girl inside of her, but this was different. It was already enough knowing she had that tattoo plus playing pool for money in college and then finding out that at one time she had her nipples pierced, but this time he saw a tattoo in a place no one had ever seen it except for a possible lover. Martha Jones was clearly a bad girl in an innocent woman’s body.

“Pretty much,” she shrugged. “I’ve lost my fair share of bets in the past but luckily the ones I lost were fun ones.” She smiled and bent over further to let him have a better look. “Does it bother you?”

“No,” he said as he bent down on one knee while placing both hands on her bum for a better view, “she beautiful because she’s you but it’s a bigger shock than I anticipated.”

“Now this time I really promise that these are all of my little secrets.” When she tried to move, she felt the Doctor’s hot breath over the cheek her tattoo was on. He was clearly fascinated and obviously growing aroused. “Are we going to get to play the rest of this game or are you just going to stare at my bum all day?”

“Wait here,” his voice was heavy and low, Martha noticed. He disappeared somewhere in the TARDIS and she had no idea where. Had she scared him off?

The Doctor returned with a black leather journal with brown edges in his hand.

“If I asked you to pose for me, would you?” he asked. He was looking up at her from under his bangs that fell in his eyes.

“What?” Martha asked and felt her heart skip a beat or two.

“I have to have you in my new journal,” he started, “I need to draw you just like this.” She was going to object at first but this meant a great deal to him. His expression was hopeful yet shy. “I’ve already done a few drawings of you while you were gone but I want to remember you like this.”

“Anything for you, Doctor.” She finally said. Her tone was also shy but she felt honored that he wanted to draw her. “How do you want me?” He moved her body where he could capture her whole frame including the tattoo on her arm and her bum.

She played with the balls on the table and occasionally looked at the Doctor in provocatively. She’d lightly trail her index finger over her bottom lip and lick the tip with her tongue. She watched him squirm in his seat but continued to draw the Delicate Flower in front of him. Delicate Flower is what he had titled one of the drawings in his book and had used it to refer to Martha in drawings, writings or in conversations with the TARDIS.

When he thought he was nearly finished, he felt something was missing. He wanted to drawn her holding a Peony flower. The Peony flower originated in China and has been used as a medicine but was also a way to say “I love you” if one was shy.

“I’m finished,” he said quietly and satisfied with his latest drawing. He flipped through the pages and realized that the book was more of a dedication to Martha. He wrote poems and songs about her, his wonderful drawings, quotes she would tell him that made him smile ear to ear and lastly adventures he had been on with her.

“May I see it or is this something personal?” she asked as she stretched her body. He nodded and let her sit on his lap while she gazed at the drawing. It was beautiful. Martha didn’t know whether to cry or just say nothing afraid her voice would crack.

He drew her beautifully and not in a way she thought he’d draw her. She figured he’d draw her half naked and leaning over a table but instead, he drew her in a corset-like top and a sarong that still managed to show her tattoos. Her body was facing away from him but her head was peering over her shoulder and she was leaning against a willow tree.

“Do you like it?” he asked, trying to gauge her reaction. She hadn’t said anything and wasn’t sure if she liked it or hated it.

“I love it,” she smiled at him shyly; “this is definitely the most beautiful thing anyone has done for me.” She glanced up at the title and tilted her head. “The Delicate Flower: The Willow Day?”

“I’ve started calling you the Delicate Flower,” he looked down at his lap, although naked, and kept his eyes away from Martha.

“Why?” she asked as she tilted his head up and rested her forehead against his.

“Because although you’re strong, you’re still a delicate being and I admire that. And you’re my flower; I can name dozens of flowers and relate each one to you.”

“What’s the flower I’m holding?” she asked as she looked at the picture again.

“It’s called a Peony,” he stroked her side and kissed her hair, “it’s a flower that comes from China and they not only use it as a medicine, but they use it as a way to say, “I love you” when one is shy to say so to the one he loves.”

“So can I say, “I Peony you?” the Doctor laughed and held Martha tightly. She was just so cute sometimes.

“Yes,” he smiled against her temple, “Martha?”

“Hmm?” she asked as she felt herself lazily rest against him and was ready to sleep.

“I Peony you,” Martha chuckled and kissed him chastely on the lips.

“I Peony you too,”

‘So much for strip pool…’


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