Fic: Thoughts on Mr. Smith

Jul 30, 2008 19:36

 I would link to my journal, but for some blasted reason, I can't get it to work!

Title: Thoughts on Mr. Smith
Author: Ziggy
Rating: G (sorry, despite my icon, no nekkid Doctor thoughts!)
Characters: Martha, mention of Ten/Mr. Smith

Blimey, but he was cute.

Medical student Martha Jones found herself looking back at their latest patient, a Mr. Smith. She saw him watching the small troop of doctors-to-be moving on to their next "assignment." Catching her glance, he gave her a big grin, as if they shared a secret. She felt herself blushing slightly as she returned a shy smile before following her fellow students out of the room.

His grin stayed with her, however, throughout their rounds. A secret? Yeah, she supposed they shared a secret. Martha was sure she’d heard two heartbeats before Mr. Stoker’s sarcastic comment had returned her to the situation at hand. But that was impossible. Wasn’t it? Mr. Smith had even gone and winked at her perplexed expression, forcing her to cover her confusion with a made-up "diagnosis."

How odd was that? The two heartbeats thing, not the fact that he had been openly flirting with her. Though the wink had been rather curious, too. It was as if he acknowledged what she was hearing through the stethoscope and was letting her know he knew she knew... back to the shared secret thing. But it also discombobulated her, making her wonder what she had actually heard to begin with; which was why she hadn’t said anything to Mr. Stoker.

She could just hear the exchange going on in her head:

"Having trouble finding the heart, Ms. Jones?"

"No, sir, well, actually, sir, he’s got two hearts."

Yep, that remark would have gone over well! Good-bye, medical career!

Martha shook her head, tried to return her attention to the person they were now gathered around. She heard a few snatches of conversation before her mind drifted back again to Mr. Smith. Was that even his real name? she wondered.

He had the most endearing brown eyes. Rather expressive, with a keen mind behind them. She hadn’t missed how he’d listened to everything they had said; not with a blank or worried expression that many patients held, but bright, intelligent and curious, especially in regards to the slight electrical shocks several of them had experienced.

She smiled, thinking how he’d answered Mr. Stoker’s question about static electricity. And that made-up bit about getting rope burns and soaked with rain while flying a kite with Benjamin Franklin! What an sharp imagination! It made him even more engaging.

He’d looked pretty adorable in those stripey pajamas, too. And that unkempt hair--looking for all the world like it needed a good combing--that just added to his appeal. The more she thought about it, the more she liked to think that grin he’d flashed her as she walked away was for her and her alone.

When Mr. Stoker finally let them go for lunch, Martha sighed dreamily.

Why couldn’t she find a man like that?

3.01: smith and jones, fic, rewatch & create-a-thon

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