The Pandorica Opens - 10 Favourite Caps Of The Doctor

Jun 23, 2010 13:59

And here's 10 brilliant moments from the utterly brilliant The Pandorica Opens people.

The Doctor and Amy find themselves with Romans and River Song dressed as Cleopatra and that's only the start of bizarre stuff happening in this week's episode.

Inside the underhenge of Stonehenge, the Doctor, Amy and River find the Pandorica and learn that some fairytales are far worse, especially when every monster that has ever hated the Doctor is coming for it as well.

Stonehenge at night and the Doctor realises that he's going to have a lot of company soon. Best get some Roman soldiers for help then, yeah?

Poor Amy wanted to talk to the Doctor about the engagement ring but a Cyberarm had to come and ruin that particular conversation piece.

Comedy awkwardness with the Doctor and Rory, even though the former is suspicious of the latter's return.

The Doctor manages to read all the spaceships in the sky the riot act in a bid to buy himself some time. He still doesn't know what's in the Pandorica chamber.

However River has figured out that everything is being constructed from Amy's memories and the Doctor realises too late of course that he's been caught in a trap.

The Pandorica is ready and the Doctor is about to realise that means him.

Having Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarans, Silurians, Weevils, Sycorax, Hoix, Blowfish and all that is but it's the Autons who seem to have mopre control in this alliance as they drag the Doctor to his fate.

Credit to Matt Smith here as the Doctor is strapped into the Pandorica and sealed off in a bid to save the universe from him. I can't wait to see how this is resolved in The Big Bang. All caps can be found here ....
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