Dec 02, 2004 07:41
I have discovered the relative joys of being sick. Well, not sick so much as recovering from being sick which I'm told is far more attractive than the strange bluish-white colour that I was just over a week ago. Anyway, I have learnt that Gareth, in a fit of pity I dare say, sent me up the final book in the trilogy I've been waiting for since forever and a day. Well, it certainly seemed like forever. Finally, I got to find out how the Red Ship Raiders were chased off! Yay for being sick, and maybe I should do it again the next time something comes out that I can get just by looking pitiful and wretched.
Richelle came up...Sunday, I believe as we sorted out the logistical problems of getting me upright and moving. They weren't sorted, I might add, however I did manage to sort out everything. Now I just have to work out what I had done wrong to put me into the situation so that I can avoid it in the future. Richelle also assures me that she lit the candle in the wreath, and no-one in Ravenclaw has touched it, although she has been asked some questions about the significance of it. I suppose one of the lucky things about being with the same group of people for seven years is that they know that sort of thing and thus don't ask.
I saw Ankaa on Wednesday, who is actually verging on getting fat, I might add. I really don't know why I thought you guys were neglecting her, because really you're all spoiling her rotten! My fears to the contrary, she apparently hasn't forgotten who I am, given that she practically leapt for me and after going absolutely mental, gave me a very possessive look, curled up and fell asleep on me. I feel vaguely objectified. However, I would have felt really bad dislodging her.
I'm not entirely sure what you lot want me to say about Skeeter's article. While I wish random people would stop calling me by a nickname, I can't really confirm or deny any of the events described in her report. I gave my word, you see. And unlike some people, once I give it, I keep it. And I don't lie either, and I certainly won't lie for someone else.
Yesterday, my cursebreaker theory work arrived and now I have to work my way through it. And NEWTs. And captaining the Quidditch team. Sleep, I barely knew thee. Ah well, apparently Ernie's succumbed to the insomnia bug, maybe I'll have someone else to fire off questions to now.
Finally, I get to go back to school on Monday. Oh joyous day! Well, not really. But I get to finally do something in a place other than here. Things have memory here and memory has presence. And there's so much presence here that I keep tripping over them whenever I move around. Also, I finally get to go back to the dormitories on Wednesday, after proving that I'm not going to work myself to a relapse. Of course, I'm not allowed to play Quidditch, do anything particularly exciting in any of my classes and for the first few days have to return to the infirmary immediately afterwards, but freedom, even in small slices like that, ought to be savoured, don't you think?