The same to you, and my offer still stands should you ever need another pair of hands.
Do you mean information as in other things that have fallen apart? Not really, I am just concerned that what were once perfectly sturdy materials are suddenly snapping like twigs.
Working on it as fast as I can.
Is there anything I can do to help?
[Did she sound manly? What?]
No help is necessary.
...It is the stairs between decks 11 and 12. The middle has completely fallen through.
This sudden fragility, is it... is there a cause?
[Meth was more concerned with the stairs. She repeated after him, not quite believe she'd heard him correctly.]
...the middle fell through.
There is a large section missing in the middle of the stairs. Only the banister remains. I assume the rubble on the next level are the remains.
[This is the sound of Jared looking through the latest posts for something stair-collapsey...]
I appreciate the information. It looks like my schedule is to be rearranged again.
[Work, work, work...Meth was going to be busy for a while...]
What is your name?
I am Jared, and I believe you are Meth?
Reply you have useful information?
Do you mean information as in other things that have fallen apart? Not really, I am just concerned that what were once perfectly sturdy materials are suddenly snapping like twigs.
[Even if it was almost completely unlikely she'd need to take him up on it.]
If you hear of anything, let me know. If I can take care of the damage quickly enough, I'll have time to reinforce the rest.
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