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Feb 09, 2009 21:03

  • 21:23 Umm, the light snow appears to be getting heavier... and not showing any sign of stopping! #
  • 22:00 @ Francynecarr Not sure about London, but we've got some here. It seems to have stopped now though... #
  • 16:20 Am officially "good" according to LA advisor. Which is, well... good! #
  • 18:16 @ dramaticmisty Mine hasn't yet! *woe* It was posted on Saturday so should be here tomorrow... #
  • 18:25 @ dramaticmisty are usually ahead of the game. Anything that's due on a Monday usually arrives the Saturday before. They fail @ BG #
  • 19:12 @ dramaticmisty I hope it's here tomorrow. That combined with a nice glass of wine will be a nice end to our inspection! :) #
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