Where Are My Grumpy Pants?

Nov 08, 2012 13:24

Cause I feel like I need to put them on today. I don't even know why I'm so grumpy, I just want to stay in bed and watch tv and eat cheesecake.

It's pouring rain outside today, and guess what? We've got another leak. This one's in the living room right over our tv. Ever since we moved in there's been a water stain there shaped like a pig, but our landlord told us that there had been a new roof put on (the living room part of our apartment is not connected to the rest of the house, it's like an annex or something) and for most of the time we've lived here, it hasn't leaked. We had to deal with the bedroom leak for a year, the bathroom leaked briefly, our storage closet sporadically leaks in a way we can't predict, but the pig never leaked.

Until last week. I was at work, and Mike phoned the store and said, "We've got another leak!" We called the landlord and he showed up right away and said he'd call someone to take a look. And I imagine he did, but his repair guy is a flake which is why the bedroom leak took a year to get fixed. It hadn't really rained between now and then, so we put it out of our mind, I guess. But now it's pouring, and the pig is leaking again. I've got the power bar that the tv and playstation are plugged into turned off in case any water gets on it. But it seems right now that the leak is on the other side of the tv, so fingers crossed. I've got some tupperware out there to catch the water, and I've been listening to it drip since I woke up this morning.

It's a steady drip, and I'm afraid there's more water up there that just hasn't come out yet so I haven't poked at it or anything.

In other grumpy news, my foot is killing me. The bruise is a lot bigger this morning, and any time I put pressure on my foot it sends a spasm of pain through my foot and up into my leg. I've had to walk on the side of my foot and even then I'm hobbling around. I'm glad that work today will be a short shift and that it's raining, so I hopefully won't have to move around much. I guess that's something to be thankful for? All I know is that the pain made it impossible to sleep last night. I can't keep still when I'm sleeping. It drives everyone crazy, but I'm constantly tossing and turning. It's what I do. But between the cats and Mike, my foot kept bumping off something and the pain would wake me up. I took painkillers, I took a sleeping pill, I took a hot bath, and it was still close to 2am before I could feel myself getting sleepy. I'm really hoping that the pain goes away soon because I have a full shift by myself on Saturday. Saturdays are busy with everyone getting ready for Christmas, and we really should have two people on but that's another complaint for another day. Anyway, it will require me to move around a lot and I can already tell I won't have a fun time.

I'm sure there are things I should be happy about. I've got most of my Christmas shopping done, wedding plans are coming along, I have people who love me and blah blah blah. Instead, I really just want to curl up under a blanket with a hot cup of tea. Or a bag of chips. Or something. Just, can I not be a responsible adult today?
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