update update update

Jul 05, 2005 17:51

Wow, haven't actually written anything in a while.  I've realized I haven't updated any of my websites in so damn long.  Facebook is another story... I have people I'm going to be hanging out with in college messaging me almost every day so I have to keep up with that.

So let's see... what has been going on with my life lately? A while ago I finally got to see Sona, after forever and a half of not seeing each other we decided to go to DC for some Starbucks and cheese fries.  I felt soo fat that day, her and her $100 starbucks card and my caramel frapp.  We did a hella lot of catching up and talked about necessities for college and the like. God I am so excited for it.... August 19th please come sooner!!!  I went to her house that night, let's say she was driving my car and we got a lil lost on the way... and then we went to pick her car up at the metro station (we had taken the metro to DC) and they wouldn't let her out because she didn't have enough money on her smartcard or wahtever so she had to go get more put on.  Anyway, we went to Outback for a bloomin onion and then went to this kid John's house.  He goes to Longwood.  We chilled there until ridiculous hours of the night with him, Sona, and Margarita (another William and Mary-an).  That was real fun, they're all such cool people!  Anyway I don't think I got to bed until like 5AM that night. The next morning I had to wake up hella early and leave her house at 8 cause my mom wanted me back and needless to say I got lost going from Springfield back to Vienna. BAH. I'm so bad with directions.

Yeah anyway... I was being the away message stalker that I am and everybody had so much fun at beachweek.  I'm jealous in a way, because Devon and I had our beachweek ruined by some bastard in an 18-wheeler.  We basically got run off the highway when he swerved into our lane (we think he may have been asleep? The police had gotten a call about that).  Anyway, we got run into a field (the median I'm assuming.. I don't remember much) where we proceeded to flip over into a dirt pile, luckily right side up.  The car is totaled, and we're basically lucky to be alive.  It was a miracle.  So we spent most of the morning in the hospital, and then her parents were awesome enough to drive us both home.  Dev and I were so nervous going back home, everytime we'd be near a truck we'd be like "aahhh!"  Trust me guys, its worth it being cautious around 18-wheelers.  They do drive all night, they are obnoxious, they will cause accidents.  PS like 5 minutes after our accident the police got a report that a truck had crossed the median and had plummeted straight into oncoming traffic.  I didnt see the lady that got hurt, but apparently she looked good for what she was supposed to look like. Ew.  And then I went home and I found out a girl I went to school with had died of suspected meningitis that morning.  Needless to say, it was a horrible day for me.

But I've moved on, I'm glad both of us are alive and alright, we escaped with only minor injuries.  I don't know what I would have done if she had gotten hurt... I seriously doubt I'd want to be alive.  God, it was horrible. I love you Devon. More than life itself.

Aah, so this summer is really boring, I'd like to go to college already.  I basically sit on my ass and do nothing all day.  I eat a lot and take naps, man I'm gonna put on the damn freshman 15 before I even GET to college. GOOOOOOD.  I miss school kinda.

- - xx, Lex
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