Jun 01, 2005 12:40
My course doesn't finish until the end of 2007! I don't know what to do with the subjects I got credit for. Do I enrol anyway? ARGH! I am going to e-mail the Head Office or whatever :P
Oh STEEN!!!! Great news! I'm failing BSB111 for no reason at all! I don't even know how or why I am! It's the subject I like most, but for some shit reason I failed the assignment except I did everything they asked me to do. I know I made one little error but that wasn't big enough to fail me. I'm going to do it next semester if I fail... I'm freaking out!
I'm cold and I am getting sick...
Nay! I read about the gold-class-ticket-get-kicked-out-because-you-were-caught incident... I'd be like Glen too. I'd be so scared. You should have gone all black on the security guard... 'I'm so black mmmm-hmmm, I got these tickets as a gift dawg, don't make me get my homie niggers to bust yo ass!' I'm so tired...
I better go, I'm actually in a tute and no one is listening to him. He even said that just then :)
'Did anyone go to the lecture? Do you all understand what I'm trying to say? Is anyone listening to me?' lol silly bugger.