;_ylt=AlzeARolfoFVVWtLNotcxazJ76Mv;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl so - it is good news that this ridiculous amendment could never pass (in my mind, I don't know why it's even an issue, b/c who can call themselves a moral person and at the same time, support such bigotry).
I really love the quote at the end:"Marriage is the social glue that unites the two halves of the human race to share in the enterprise of raising the next generation,"
because - you know, otherwise, men and women would have nothing to do with each other, and also: because traditionally, men spend just as much time and energy raising children as women...
and also: if we're trying to eradicate poverty, perhaps we should focus on funding education and medicare/aid... you know... but no... that would be TOO relevant, and TOO easy for those lazy, non-working people on welfare... they just want our money, right?