Jan 05, 2004 14:44
[Since my last journal entry concerning the whole New Year's Eve fiasco surrounding my sister and her "boyfriend" (who makes me 2 FURIOUS) and now taking into account the fact that she still maintains mere contact (nevermind a relationship) with him, I have decided that those two are made for each other…and for me to badmouth.]
The holidays have come and gone, as will this winter break - all too quickly and without the desired level of nog intoxication. My Christmases/Christmasii (a total of seven) were exceptional this year, the best I've experienced probably since childhood…even though I did not receive an erector set spoiler for my car (anyone who has seen it lately, or the sky through my door when it's closed will recognize that as an obvious joke) or a Tweety Bird chia pet. However, thanks to my bestest friends in the world, I have managed to replace a significant portion of the cd collection that was stolen from my car a while back. Also, I am now the proud owner of seasons one and two of "Saved By the Bell" on DVD. ZACK ATTACK!
Christian magnetic poetry phrase of the week:
| and | God | said | but | I | wanted | a | daughter |
LOTR: ROTK (OMG, LOL!) was amazing. "Go be awesome Legolas." I found the Hobbit pillow fight at the end ("gayer than, well, anything that's gay") especially stimulating. Until I realized that Hobbits are kind of like retards. Actually, there was only one thing about the movie that disappointed me - Frodo and Sam never do make out…unless the forehead is a secret halfling erogenous zone.
I think that my employment at UJC is rapidly approaching its conclusion. After two and a half years of going out of my way to try and minimize the effects of incompetent management as well as dealing with sleazy and/or abusive customers (on account that they assault me with their stupidity) on a regular basis and never being shown any kind of appreciation whatsoever by either of these groups, I'm pretty sure I've just about reached the breaking point. And if one more person asks me what they're building next door…"What is going in over there?" "It's a Mindyourown BUSINESS!"
My hair looks funny today.