Jun 14, 2010 20:51
[Have a Haruhi Suzumiya, leaning a little too close to the camera, looking slightly confused.]
I don't know why I never thought of this before! If you have some kind of magical power or... something extraordinary like that, please let me know right away! Such a weird place has got to have a lot of those kinds of beings, am I right?
should have done this from the start,
calling all weirdos,
new recruits and all that
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((....like combat AI programs turned flesh-and-blood humans, who turn into demons, deities, and assorted mythological creatures, cast elemental spells, and oh yeah, they're cannibals who can eat more than four times their own body weight in like, ten minutes, before they even get a stomach ache. :|b
He's thinking she might get in over her head here. Haha.))
Are you saying I can't handle this? Huh?
You don't want to attract that kind, okay? Just... trust me on that. I know what I'm talking about.
((He screamed and ran. Way to fail, right?))
[She's sobered up a bit now.]
I just-- you don't want one of those to answer, okay? You should be careful about people you talk to, that's all.
*absently tries brushing some of his messy hair back behind his head with his left hand again -- if she's paying attention, that tattoo-ish mark on the back of his hand was just glowing faintly around its edges.*
... Yeah. Okay. I'll be careful.
I'm guessing that it's a lot less dangerous where you're from, when people do turn into things, or... have weird powers?
No. There's nothing interesting or special about where I come from. That's why I've been looking for that kind of stuff here.
You know, one time, I woke up as a little horse thing? And I was stuck like that for a week. And one of my other friends said he got turned into a cat, too.
A little... horse thing? And a cat? I wonder why something like that would happen!
It was pretty weird.
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