Title: Make you come home (6/9)
Author :
Word Count :460
Notes: used for
hd_birthdaybash bingo card: picture square: “broom”;
and yes this is now really becoming a race against time.
Summary: When things get boring, a broom ride can make them interesting again.
Warnings: angst - because you know this is me writing it
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
The first two weeks after that ominous message Draco had been more careful than ever before.
He even stooped so low as to dye his hair. Something Potter had suggested at the beginning of this whole ‘living-as-a-muggle’- stunt. But until now Draco had refused so.
Of course he had, since he had the perfect hair colour! The Malfoy- hair colour. So why would he change? Especially since nobody in the muggle world understood it’s meaning. One time he even used the argument that he had seen many muggles try to imitate the perfect Malfoy-colour. That shut the argument up, because there simply was no argument against that.
Now he had some brownish colour, that had promised to be dark, but had turned out light. His co-workers had mocked him for this butchered self-dye. He tried to explain that he had indeed followed the instructions to the letter, but it was no use. His only hope was that in two to three weeks his hair should be back to normal. And lucky for him, most of the time he was requested to wear a cap, all cleaners at the hospital need to wear.
After the third week he allowed himself to relax again. Whatever was happening in wizarding London, it apparently had no bearing on his life.
Except for the lack of Potter. Something he did not complain about, not at all. He liked the silence, and that he was finally alone, and nobody was mothering him any longer. And who liked to eat strange food all the time. The same three Chinese meals he discovered he liked with some fish and chips on top was good enough, and saved him money. Not that Potter had ever made him pay for anything- details nobody cared about.
Draco humpft at himself and took a look around. For a moment he played with the idea of getting himself Thai-food, before he sighed and went in his usual Chinese shop. Who was he kidding? He simply was not the spontaneous nature, if he was not forced to be.
He left the shop, with his Peking duck in one hand and some Chinese styled pastry in the other, as he was suddenly gapped from behind and lifted into the air. He screamed before a muffliato hit him.
”Don’t go all drama on me now,“ Potter said as they drew to a halt.
Draco was shouting at him, because truly what sort or auror would kidnap his charge?
”Oh, right. Well, I will cancel the muffliato, once you shut up. But in the meantime, come and take a seat,“ Potter grinned before heaving him up, so that he once again sat on the back of Potter’s broom.
Then Potter took off, before he took the spell off.
Part 7 This entry was originally posted at